« XI : Exposed »

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Yuki watched in horror as one of the beasts rushed toward her and her eyes widen as blood splattered to the ground right in front of her feet. "Yuki, get inside now!" She heard Luna shout to her after she slashed down the beast that was about to get to her. "But, Scarlet-" Yuki was about to protest but was cut down by Luna again as always. "Not the right time for buts now!" She said as she pulled Yuki by her hands and brought her to the house but was stopped by the beasts.

"Move away!" She ordered glaring at the beasts who were blocking their paths, but the beasts did not make any move to listen to Luna. Instead, they were rushing to get to them again. "Tch!" Luna clicked her tongue as she pulled Yuki behind her and she stood in front of her to shield her. She took out her sword and slashed down the beasts one by one then. Another moment then Luna saw that her other friends had come out to look at the commotions they had caused. "Great, now everyone is here..." Luna muttered lowly, sarcastically. "Must be your doing, right, Kaname-senpai?" She asked turning to the other pureblood as he appeared right behind Yuki to protect her.

Yuki turned to look at him as well surprised as he suddenly showed up behind her. "Well, whatever. Just take her back to the house first." Luna said to Kaname as she turned to look at the beasts again who were watching the vampires carefully as the two groups were having a stare fight instead, at the moment. "What's been happening here, Princess?!" Maya asked turning to look at Luna and rushing to her side to protect her too. "Don't know. Just get rid of them first." She simply said and Maya nodded, as the beasts began attacking them again.

The vampires fought back terrifically, as they were able to kill them one by one. But, there was no end to them, as when they slashed one, another came out, and their numbers, in the end, were not decreasing. Luna and the others did not give up though as they kept on killing them down. However, as they have outnumbered her and she had to protect Yuki too, she could not get to them all by herself.

"Ah!" Yuki shouted out in surprise as one of the beasts reached out to her from the side and Luna who heard her quickly turned to shield Yuki, earning a pain in her arm as the beast's teeth bore deep into her flesh before Luna had the chance to slash it away with her other sword. "Scarlet!" Yuki called out panic as she rushed to Luna who gritted her teeth to hold in the pain. "I'm fine." She said, as usual, to calm the others down.

She was about to march in again when suddenly she froze before she fell down. "Luna! Scarlet-chan! Scarlet!" Maya, Hanabusa, and Yuki shouted out to her as they and the others watched her fall suddenly. "Ugh... Damn it..." Luna tried to speak but she felt her senses slowly getting numbed. "Careful... They... Poison..." She grunted as she tried to warn the others before she slowly lost consciousness. However, thankfully the others understood her and they were surprised at her information. Maya and Yuki then rushed to help Luna but they were stopped by the beasts blocking their path to Luna.

"Go die, you beasts!" Maya shouted out loud angrily as she slashed down the beasts easily, but they kept on coming back. "Damn it!" She cursed. "There's no end to them!" Yuki said as she too fought with the beasts. "We've to get to Scarlet-chan, though!" Hanabusa said as he himself was busy with the beasts. "But, these beasts aren't letting us get near her!" Ruka was the one who spoke. "It's like they were trying to keep us separated from her." Akatsuki commented and soon it dawned on their minds. The beasts were only distractions to keep them away from Luna.

"Damn it! Somebody, please get to Princess!" Maya shouted out desperately not minding anyone helping Luna anymore. "Got it." They heard a voice speak as suddenly Kaname appeared in front of Luna. "Kaname-senpai..." Yuki called out surprised along with the others. "How did he get there?" Hanabusa asked. "Who cares! As long as he can save Luna!" Maya said as they kept on distracting the beasts from Luna and Kaname.

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