Truths from a Liar

Start from the beginning

When she opened her eyes again, she made sure to train her line of sight directly into the rainforest and her Awakening responded again, pulling all the possible threads of fate into motion. Most of the possibilities of ill omens were slightly heightened, but still not to be concerned with. As she scanned, she couldn't help but wonder if anything really was wrong. Perhaps it was just a simple equipment malfunction or something but still, her gut feeling urged her to keep looking.

The longer she scanned the playing field, the blurrier her vision became. Glossy tears of liquid gold rolled down her cheeks, leaving her shining irises to dim.

Just as she was about to give up, a sudden stab of movement bloomed from her peripheral view. AU steadied herself and focused, reeling in the thread that had caught her attention.

"What the hell is this..." she breathed in disbelief.

The reading was obviously coming from America and Russia, two individuals that she had been unable to read previously. Though the reading was faint, one potential possibility was growing at an alarming rate and it chilled her to the bone.

'I have to tell the executives– perhaps even the Powers and stop the Tournament,' she thought to herself before painstakingly hobbling along the walls to steady herself. Her eyes stung painfully and left her to navigate the dark by touch alone.

Though it wasn't completely clear exactly what she had seen, along with a dramatically increasing potential of death, there was another increase that she had never witnessed before.

Potentials of resurrection. Whatever was happening deep in the forest, she was probably the only person who understood just how dire things were.

"Now why are you in such a hurry, Branchmaster?"

AU's entire body stiffened in alarm as a pair of hands gently cupped over her eyes, further drowning her world in darkness and stopping her dead in her tracks. Though she couldn't see, she could feel the mischievous smile radiating from the other.

"Why don't you relax with me for a bit," the soothing, female voice purred next to her ear. "It's been so long since I've seen you! Why don't we catch up a bit?"

*for the next part, there will be a constant flip flop of Russia and America POV's signaled by three dots (...)

(America POV)

The glowing symbols suddenly began to flicker and move until only 5 remained, lined up in a row. A faint thrumming began to pulse and a muffled tapping sound slowly filtered into my head.

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