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It's been almost 3 weeks since I've seen or spoken to Namjoon; almost 3 weeks without my best friend all in my space pestering me. An emergency came up, so my mom and I left the state to come take care of my aunt. I let him know I was leaving, and that was that. I haven't reached out to him, and he has been nothing but respectful and patient while waiting for me. I miss him so damn much.

"Ky, you ready to go?" My mom asks me, fixing her glasses upon her face as she walks into the living room.

"Hm?" I hum. "Yeah. I'm ready."

She nods, grabbing her bags and making her way toward the front door. I stand as well, but not before turning to the hall walkway where my aunt is rolling on her scooter with her right leg propped on it. She smiles at me and I return it, happy that she's able to move more on her own.

"Now I know you're not leaving without hugging me, Nicki."

I fake gasp, making my way over with my arms outstretched. My Aunt Leena is the only one that calls me by some variation of my middle name. "I would never."

We embrace each other and she squeezes me a little tighter. "Relax, honey. You're so tense."

"I know." I breathe out, trying my best to relax.

I've just been so wound up about what's going on with Namjoon and I that I haven't been able to release any tension in my body. And now with us going back home today, it doesn't make it any better. I'm even more tight now than I was when I first got here.

She pulls back from the hug with a knowing, but understanding smile. "Tell that boy how you feel."

"What?" My breathing nearly stops when she says those words to me.

Aunt Leena snickers before addressing me. "Your mom said you've been in some weird funk and haven't talked to your little guy friend recently."

"Y'all are so nosey."

"It's what we do." She shrugs. "But I digress. You must really like that boy, so tell him that."

"I don't know if I do."

"Stop lying. Yes you do. What's his name, Namjoon?" My eyebrows raise slightly as my eyes widen a bit, almost watering at the sound of his name. It's the first time I've heard it said outloud in weeks. Aunt Leena chuckles, shaking her head and pulling me into another quick hug. "You do. So tell him that. I love you and thank you for coming and helping me. Now go, go!"

She lightly pushes at me and I take the hint to grab my things and go. I don't speak on my way out as I have a million thoughts running through my mind.


My mind is empty as I approach my door. Twisting the key, I hear the click of my home becoming available to me after being gone for so long. I make my way into my apartment, peering around my surroundings and being overwhelmed by the emptiness of this place. I half expected Namjoon to be here, and I'm actually disappointed that he's not.

The whole way home, I had nothing but Namjoon on my mind. It didn't take me long to mentally kick my ass for not admiting that I do have some feelings for him. Just thinking back on the way he interacts with me, I'm an idiot to not put two-and-two together to see that this man has had feelings for me all along. He's such a dork and talks too much, but that's his charm. That's what made him my best friend for so long. No one has ever treated me the way he does, either. He's always calling me beautiful when I don't think I am. He would always kiss my cheek or forehead randomly, especially when I'm not feeling well. He constantly checks up on me, almost too much. Come to think of it, he's been single for a while; his last girlfriend was freshmen year of college. Has that spot always been open for me?

I leave my bags at the door as I walk further into my home. Everything is as I had left it. The napkin stack on the dining table, the water bottle I accidentally left on the coffee table before I left, and my bathroom definitely touched with the medicine cabinet open and a few makeup items on the counter of the sink.

I sigh as I approach my bedroom, soon frowning. My heart stops but picks back up again, even faster than before. I never close my bedroom door. Namjoon was here. I grab the knob and open my door, ready to drop to my knees as I see black roses lined up at the foot of my bed. Not letting the smile falter, I grab each rose and it makes a nice big bouquet. I counted 16 roses in total; one rose for each day I was gone.

"Ky." I turn to see Namjoon standing in the doorway, all smiles with yet another black rose in his hands. How did I not hear him come in? "You're home."

"I am." I give him a grateful smile, looking at the rose still in his grasp. "I guess I won't need that one."

Namjoon shakes his head, making his way inside and placing the rose into the already full bouquet. "17 roses is perfect. That's the age that I knew I loved you."

"Namjoon I'm so sorry." My voice cracks, but I clear my throat and continue as I stare at the flowers. "We haven't talked for weeks."

"Don't be sorry. I get it. I knew you needed some time, and being bothered by me everyday wouldn't help."

"I missed it, though. I missed you." I admit, looking up into his eyes. "I had a lot of time to think."

His dimples make an appearance, and I can't help but to poke one of them, earning a hearty laugh in return. "I missed you so much, Kyla. You have no idea."

"I love you, Namjoon." I say and I feel as though a ton of weights has been lifted off my chest. It feels so good to say it and it actually mean something more. I'm not confused about this anymore.

"You do?" His eyes widen, almost in disbelief.

"I do." I say. "Remember how I told you this friendship is to stay in tact?"


"I still mean that shit. But, I'm willing to be more than just friends, on one condition."

Namjoon nods, almost too hard before he carries catches himself. "What's the condition?"

"You have to be my best friend always. I don't care how fast or slow we move with this, in the end, we always have each other."

"I can promise you that." Leaving a kiss to my forehead, he trails down to my nose, then catching my lips. "So what are we?"

I roll my eyes. "What do you mean 'what are we'? You're my boyfriend now, duh."

He giggles, almost child like and I can't stop the smile the slowly graces my lips. "That's so nice to hear."

I smile, pecking his lips a few times before he's taking the roses from my hands and sitting them on my dresser nearby. He wraps his arms around me and I welcome the embrace as I melt into his touch. Just like that, we're a couple.

"Switching gears a bit;" I say softly, letting him leave little pepper kisses to my neck. "That 'adult movie' we made a few weeks ago... Post it."



Hello loves! Just like that, we've made it to the end! I know some of you are probably pissed at me because WHY WOULD I END IT LIKE THIS, but no need to fret! I have one more extra chapter in the works for you all, so stay tuned for that! I love you all so much & wanna thank you for giving this short story & our girl Kyla so much love. Representation is so important & I hope I've touched a few plus size folks out there 🤗 stick around for our extra chapter! I love you all & I really hope you enjoyed!

This has been 'Adult Movies' 💕💕


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