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It's been about a week since our first JustUs picture went up. And in that week, that single photo of my arms around Namjoon garnered so much attention that the comments started demanding more content with me in it. It truly shocked me, knowing that people are interested in seeing more of me. I don't really know what to do or how to react.

Since it was posted at the end of the month, it was able to be registered for Namjoon's monthly revenue. He made good on his promise and even better. He gave me all the money that was made off the photo. With that being said, it was enough for my electric bill to be fully paid off.

I go into my closet and pull out my tote of clothes that I don't wear. I begin searching through it and wind up huffing in frustration. I need to donate some of these, but not until I find what I'm looking for.

"Come on. I know it's in here." I get to the bottom of the tote and am about to give up until I finally spot it. "Bingo."

I pull out the small, black lace material and sigh. I haven't worn this in years. I doubt it'll still fit. I take off all my clothes, sliding the teddy suit on. To say I'm surprised it still fits me like a glove is an understatement. I thought I wouldn't even be able to get into it. I play with my hair a bit, letting it fall on my shoulders and turn to look at myself in the mirror.

My eyes widen as I see myself. I'm moved to tears as I drink in the woman that is reflecting back at me. She hasn't felt sexy in such a long time. This is the same woman that rarely looks at her body naked because she feels disappointed when she looks at herself. The last time I wore lingerie was about two years ago, at least. I feel like an entirely different person as I wipe away the stray tears that have fallen. Leave it to me to cry while looking at myself. But for the first time in such a long time, I feel very sexy.

I hear the faint sounds of a door opening and closing, signaling that Namjoon is back with food for us. I can't take my eyes off of myself, though, truly loving what I'm seeing.

"Ky, I'm back. Food is on the table in the kitchen." I hear Namjoon getting closer to my bedroom. "Subs were BOGO half off, so-"

I make eye contact Namjoon in the mirror, his jaw slack as he looks at me from behind. I slowly turn to face him, feeling so self-conscious yet so empowered at the same time. I need to be comfortable with him seeing me like this for this thing we've started to actually work. I feel as though I'm being swallowed by his gaze. He hasn't looked away and I feel myself slowly covering my body the best that I can with my arms.

"Say something." I say softly, needing to hear something, anything.

He clears his throat, blinking to bring himself back. "Wow."

"Is that good?"

"It's great. You look amazing."

I look down shyly, wanting to crawl under my blankets. No, Kyla. You got this. I take a deep breath, moving my arms to let him see me fully again but I'm still not looking at him. He comes all the way into my bedroom, standing so close to me that I can almost feel his chest rising and falling.

"Turn to look in the mirror." He says, pulling out his phone. I do so, turning to look again. He passes me his phone with the camera already open. "Can we get a few pictures for JustUs?"

I nod, taking the phone and positioning it so that my face isn't showing. In the mirror, I see him taking off his shirt so he's left in his jeans. His chest is against my back and I shiver slightly, feeling his bulge against my ass. Did I turn him on?

"Sorry." He chuckles.

"It's fine." I say just above a whisper.

He wraps his arms around my waist, asking me to take a picture. I take a couple, then he places his head in the crook of my neck with his lips lightly grazing on my skin. My knees feel weak and my legs feel like jelly when he leaves a feathery kiss to my neck. I can't function as my finger shakily takes the photo. I'm feeling things that I haven't felt in a long time. I feel like I'm needed by someone. And that someone just so happens to be my best friend.

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