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I slowly start to stir awake, groaning and yawning. My lamp was never turned off, so I have to get used to the brightness. I look at the clock that's on the wall across from my bed and my eyes adjust to see that it's 1 in the morning. Being careful of the arm that is wrapped around my waist, I turn over in bed and come face-to-face with a sleeping Namjoon. My heart literally melts at the sight of him. His features are flawless. He's been growing his hair out, so the strands nearly cover his eyes entirely. His skin is so clear and so smooth, his lips full and soft. He's really a sight to see.

I smile softly, quietly and carefully leaving my bed to use the bathroom. Once I've handled my business and cleaned myself up a little bit, I head back into my bedroom. To my surprise, Namjoon is sitting up in my bed, rubbing his eyes.

"Well good morning."

"Good morning." He replies with a yawn. "What time is it?"

"Like, 1 something."

"Fuck, it's late." He groans. "Why are you up?"

I shrug simply. "Bathroom. Why are you up?"

"Because you left." He answers casually. If only he knew how my heart skipped a beat. He's so damn cute. "How are you feeling?"

"You ask me this, like, everyday." I tease, taking my spot next to him. "I feel almost refreshed."

"You did some pretty cool shit earlier."

"Don't remind me." I cover my face in embarrassment.

He chuckles, shaking his head. "That was good stuff, come on."

"You say that because you made it happen." I sink down, hoping to become invisible.

"You said it, not me." He laughs. "I got some of that on camera."

"You recorded it!?" My eyes widen, now searching frantically for his phone. "Delete it."

Namjoon continues to laugh, handing me his phone. "Relax. It isn't a video. There's just a bunch of rapid still pictures from when I first started fingering you."

"Eww, don't say that." I cringe.

"It isn't even bad." He rolls his eyes. "Pick the ones you like and delete the rest, or delete them all and we'll do something else."

I open his gallery and go through the pictures. The man is a genius with the angles. Our faces are completely cut out, and only our bodies are seen. There's one still that he captured where my back is slightly arched. I'm vividly remembering this exact moment, and this is the only picture that will be saved.

I delete all the other pictures and hand him back his phone. He takes it back, smiling as he sees which one was spared. "That's a candid shot. You look so sexy."

"I'm thirsty." I get up in a hurry and rush out of the bedroom. I hear him laughing as I basically running into the kitchen.

I exhale, mentally kicking my ass. What the hell is going on? What are we doing? I open my fridge and grab the vodka, taking a hit straight from the bottle. The liquor is hot going down my throat, spreading across my chest and making me shiver. Another exhale and I'm good to go. I grab a small bottle of Gatorade and down that before going back into my bedroom.

Namjoon is nowhere in sight, so I assume he's using the bathroom. I grab a couple of clothing items to prepare for a shower. I passed out before I could take one earlier. I'm headed toward my bathroom when I hear the shower turn on. That asshole beat me to it.


My phone dings as I enter my bedroom once again, and it's from JustUs. I decide to open it and see that it's a new comment. Namjoon moves very fast because it's a new comment on the picture that I just chose. The comment makes me smile, but this is only one of many. I decide to let the site be for the night and I'll check again in the morning.

Adult Movies (knj au)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें