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Disclaimer: There will be use of the n word in this chapter, & maybe a few future chapters. If you're uncomfortable with the word, please go around it or not read the chapter. And if you are non-black, don't say it. Period.


I yawn, stretching out on my bed and slowly opening my eyes when I accidentally bump my hand into the object next to me. I hear a groan on the side of me but I ignore it, turning to face the wall and shutting my eyes once more.

"Ky." Namjoon says in his morning raspy voice. I don't move, feeling myself drifting back to sleep, until he lightly shakes me. "Kyla."

"What." I groan, pulling the blankets closer to me.

"Where are my pants?" He asks.

I smirk, turning to face him. I pulled them off of him, since he never woke back up after I gave him head. I just wrapped his bottom half in my throw blanket and then covered his body under the comforter I'm in as well. I'm in a decent mood this early, though, so why not fuck with him?

"You really don't remember?"

"Remember what? You giving me the suck of the century?"

I roll my eyes, hiding the fact that there are butterflies trying to escape the confines of their cage in my stomach.

"Wow, I'm offended. You really don't remember."

"Remember what? There was more?"

"Oh, yeah. There was more." I respond. "You really like it when I call you daddy."

His eyes widen and he gasps. "D-did we have sex!?"

"We did." I smile softly. "Hell, we basically made a baby."

"We didn't use protection!?"

"Why would we? You said you loved me and didn't want to find anybody when I'm right in front of you to love." I laugh, sitting up with him. His face goes pale and I can't go through with it anymore. I burst into laughter, shaking my head. "I'm just fucking with you."


"We didn't do anything, Namjoon. You fell asleep and stayed asleep. I just took your pants off so you'd be comfortable."

He releases a big breath, face returning to it's normal color. "Okay, good."

"Damn." I say, pretending to be hurt. "I suck your dick- putting you to sleep I might add- and you don't wanna have sex with me."

"No, no! It isn't like that at all. I'm just-"

"Dude, get a grip. I'm kidding." He really makes it too easy. "Go get your pants."

I slide out of bed, getting ready to go to the bathroom until my phone rings. The only person that could be calling me this damn early on purpose would be my mother. As expected, her face is plastered on my screen. I roll my eyes as I answer. "Hello?"

"You sound like death."

"And you sound like a deadbeat."

"That ain't no way to talk to your favorite sibling."

I finally make my way towards the bathroom, ignoring Namjoon's questioning eyes. "Dumb ass, you're my only sibling."

My brother chuckles on the other end of the phone as I put my phone on speaker and set it down. "Exactly. Your favorite."

"Nigga, what the hell you want? And why you calling me off mom's phone?"

"I knew you wouldn't answer this early if I called from my phone."

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