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I wake up to the smell of coffee filling my apartment and the sun shining through my window. I sit up, rubbing my eyes and yawning. Grabbing my glasses from my nightstand, I put them on and stand out of bed, sliding on my slippers. I make my way to the bathroom before I head into the kitchen. Once I've used the bathroom and brushed my teeth, I walk into the kitchen to find my best friend setting plates on the table.

Namjoon gives me a dimpled smile and I return it. "Good morning, Ky."

"Good morning, Joon." I say, getting a mug from the counter and pouring some coffee into it. "You're up early."

"It's 10."

"Yeah, early."

He chuckles, shaking his head as he places a toasted bagel, two sausages, and a hard boiled egg on each of the plates on the table. My mouth waters but I look away and sip my coffee.

"I'm not hungry."

Just then, my stomach betrays me and grumbles. Namjoon looks at me with narrowed eyes. "Your body begs to differ."

"I don't need this much food."

"And you're not going to starve yourself either. Sit and eat."

"I'm fine."

"Sit." He says sternly and I listen, sitting with my coffee mug. "You still need to eat."

"I have enough fat to last me for 5 years. Breakfast isn't essential for me."

I spread cream cheese on my bagel as I hear him sigh. "How far behind are you on bills?"

I match his sigh, shrugging. "Enough to know that I don't need to have breakfast."

"Dammit, Kyla. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you have your own life to deal with."

"Yeah, well you're also apart of my life and I'm not trying to see you starve just to make ends-meet."

"It would help get this damn weight off me." I mumble to myself, but I know he heard me. "I'll find a way to make more money."

We eat in silence, until Namjoon speaks. "Remember that proposition I mentioned last night?"

"Honestly, I was hoping you forgot." I laugh.

He laughs with me, shaking his head. "No, I didn't forget. When I say it aloud, though, you need to promise me you won't freak out."

I frown at him, watching him intently. "Whatever it is, the answer is no."

"Hear me out first." He says, looking me in my eyes. "Let's create content together."

"Content? Like YouTube?" I ask. "Why would I freak out about that? Just get me a good angle to hide all my fat and this double chin action, and we can figure something out. We like music. Let's talk about that."

Namjoon laughs, shaking his head. "You've wanted to make a YouTube channel?"

"Not necessarily, but fuck it, why not? You can play with different angles and filters to make me look smaller. Plus, I don't have to leave home. It's a win-win."

"I wasn't referring to YouTube, though."

"No?" I raise my eyebrow. "Then what are you referring to?"

"You need money, and you need it fast. YouTube can be a good source of income, but it will take a while before you can make money from it. You need lots of time to grow a following."

"Then what kind of content can we make that gets us fast cash? We don't play video games so that won't work either."

"Well," He starts shyly and now I'm frowning even more. "so it just came to me out of nowhere. And I know the first thing you'll say is no, but you have to really hear me out on this. Be open-minded, Ky."

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