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Namjoon plops down next to me on the couch, huffing and trying to catch his breath. "What a letdown."

"Now, what made your dumb ass think I was really going to be naked?" I snicker, rolling my eyes.

"A guy can hope." He joins my snickering. He pulls his phone out of the pocket of his sweatpants and begins fumbling with it a bit. "Anyway, get your phone out please? Go to the app real quick."

I do so, opening the profile page for JustUs. I don't notice anything too significant, other than the number of subscribers has increased.

"Okay?" I speak, a hint of confusion in my tone. "What am I supposed to be looking at?"

"That little circle thing next to our display name." He smiles.

My eyes widen, noticing the circled check mark. "Holy shit! We're verified!?"

"Crazy isn't it?" Namjoon's smile widens, his dimples so deep someone could swim in them. "We're really verified."

"How in the hell did that happen so quickly?" I ask in disbelief.

"When someone as beautiful as you comes out of the woodworks and gives good content, why wouldn't it happen?" He asks, but it comes out as more of a statement.

I feel my face heating up and I know this is exactly what that asshole wants. "Shut up. You're bringing in the subscribers."

"Bullshit." He challenges. "You have honestly made such an impact on my account since we started this. We average roughly at about 2-k new subscribers weekly. Also, I would get hundreds of comments a week from my solo stuff. With you, we're getting thousands. And the amount of people seeing you and saying they can feel sexy too? You're the one pulling all the weight, Ky."

Am I really that damn important to this equation? Do I really matter that much to people? The last thing I would have ever expected going into this was that I would actually enjoy what I'm doing. This all started as an easy way to get some extra cash to play catch up. Now that I've achieved that, there would be no need to continue. So why do I want to keep doing this?

"You're overthinking." Namjoon notices, and I look at him. "What you thinking?"

"I don't know." I shrug.

"Sure you do." He eggs on.

"It's all just weird, Joon." I mumble. "We've basically accomplished the main goal, and that was my financial issue. So, why keep going?"

He hums to himself in understanding, nodding. "That's true. If you're ready to call it quits, we can. You call the shots."

"I don't want to." I admit before I have enough time to think.

Namjoon's eyes almost bulge out of his head as he hears what I've just said. "You what?"

"Nothing." I try to take back my sentence. "Forget what I said."

"I don't want to." He repeats my words. "You don't want to stop making content?"

It's silent for a moment as I try to process what I'm going to say next. Namjoon won't let me change the subject until he gets his answer. I guess I'll have to just be completely honest. Fuck, what have I done?

"I don't." I admit, sighing as I give in and spill the beans. "Joon, I actually feel good doing it. I feel like a woman should, whatever the hell that means. I just feel really sexy."

"I love that for you." He smiles softly. He leans in, leaving a lingering, yet quick kiss to my lips. I'm still not used to the random kisses my best friend gives me. "You deserve to feel sexy."

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