Part 26

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5oK reads, wow. Never imagined that when I started this story it would get this amount of attention. Just know that I appreciate every single one of you, doesn't matter if you vote, comment or simply read the story! Thank you so much❤️
Love, :)

Today, we would be playing Sweden. It would be a tough match, and so I didn't expect Sarina to experiment or surprise. It would be most likely if she went with the most used and effective starting XI, which, sadly, I was not included in.

Though, I was determined to work my ass off to potentially ever be part of those starting players and to make myself valuable towards the squad, Sarina, and the staff.

I wanted to become a player that couldn't be missed, I wanted to be a Keira, a Lucy or a Stanway. My teammates for club and country who I most certainly looked up to a lot. I wanted to become a legend, an icon.

I might be thinking ahead of myself here, but you have to set your goals. Maybe they aren't very reasonable, but at least I am being optimistic. And I know I have the support around me to go a long way.

But for now, I wasn't a legend or an icon, I was a player who hadn't even made her debut yet. I wouldn't be playing today, I actually would be extremely surprised if I was. I wasn't in the starting XI, and I had to accept that, but that doesn't mean I won't do everything it takes to achieve my goals. No matter what.


Last night was interest, to say the least. Leah was suddenly being kind of nice to me, and she even explained a few things to me concerning the folders we were given.

I was still very hesitant and distant. I didn't want to put myself in a vulnerable position, in which I could only get hurt again. The fact that Leah was now suddenly being nice for a chance, didn't mean that she wouldn't return to the way she was and the way she treated me before. Though, I had always been like this, careful and overthinking. I just didn't want to get hurt. 

Right now, I was trying to wake Lauren up, which literally seemed impossible. She just wouldn't wake up. I had tried to nudge her awake multiple times, but without succes.

So, I decided to make it easy for myself, and be a bit dramatic. I stood up from where I was sitting on the side of Lauren her bed and made my way to the bathroom. I grabbed a glass, which was still unused and upside down on the sink, and filled it with cold water. The coldest the faucet could go, to be exact.

I walked back to where Lauren was somehow still peacefully sleeping, thinking about if I should actually do this. She would seriously kill me. But on the other hand, we only had 15 minutes left to get to the cafeteria for our breakfast, and I really didn't want to be late. So I had no other choice but to execute my plan.

"LAUREN" I shouted, while throwing the ice cold water in her face. It was a last desperate attempt to get my best friend to wake up. And, fortunately, it worked.

"AAHHH" She screamed, shooting up from where she was previously still sleeping. "OH MY GOD," She shouted, probably a mix of frustration and surprise, "WHAT THE HELL, STACY?" She continued. Oh oh, she was really mad.

"Surpiseee." I said, dragging out the 'e', while making jazz hands, to try and lighten the air a little bit. I was already taking a few steps back, not sure if she was gonna chase me or not.

"Oh, you are dead." She said while climbing out of her bed as fast as she could, and sprinting after me. I ran out of the room, and started to sprint as fast as I could on this early morning.

She was obviously a lot faster than me, seeing as she is probably the fastest of the squad, by far. However, my stamina was a lot better and had even improved since the last time I was here. So if I could just stay away long enough so that she couldn't catch me, I'd be good.

Luckily, Lauren always slept with shorts, a sports bra and a shirt, so if we would encounter someone the only weird thing would be Lauren chasing me while she was absolutely drenched.

"It was the only way to wake you up," I started to shout, trying to make her understand why I did what I did, "dude, I thought you were dead!" I continued, while I could feel her closing up on me.

I turned the corner, in a desperate move to avoid myself getting hugged by Lauren, and ultimately, the very cold and wet shirt she was wearing.

But, before I could even comprehend what was happening, I could feel myself colliding with another body. Luckily, they were quite a bit taller than me, so they prevented us both from falling to the ground. Meanwhile they held me steady, holding me by my upper arms.

Out of instinct, I immediately stepped back and looked at the two persons standing in front of me, with wide eyes.

Soon, I was joined by Lauren, who's eyes immediately widened too, as soon as she saw who I collided with.

I could see the confusion forming on their faces, while they tried to figure out what the hell was happening.

"Sorry." I whispered, looking at the both of them, but quickly looking down to my feet again. God, this was embarrassing.

It had felt like ages that we were already standing here, while really it was just a matter of seconds. Us just waiting for their reaction, and them trying to understand what was going on. Before one of them finally spoke up.

"What the hell?"

-hellooo, I saw all of your sweet comments on my last post, so I decided to surprise you with an update on the early Monday morning.
- hope you liked it and have a beautiful day!


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