Part 10

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I took one last breath and stepped out of the van. The bright sun shone in my eyes, making me squint them tighter in order to block the sunlight a little bit.

We all got our bags and suitcases from the trunk and together we walked in to the large building. With a straight line we walked on to the 'get-together' room, as they called it.

Here, there were already a few of the other girls. The Arsenal and Chelsea girls were there, and Hannah Hampton, who did not play for any of the top four clubs, but instead played for Aston Villa. The few girls we were still expecting were the three ManU girls and Rachel Daly.

I introduced myself to most of them, while giving hugs to the ones I already knew. While also purposefully avoiding Leah as much as I could. To be honest, I don't think Leah has even noticed that I was here, or she was just really good at hiding it.

Soon, the ManU girls and Rachel arrived as well and I introduced myself to all four of them. Of course I had met most of this squad already in the youth teams, but good chance  they didn't remember me anymore. And as much as I hate to introduce myself, I knew it was necessary if I wanted to avoid future awkward situations.

Now that everyone had finally arrived, I saw Sarina walk in with a warm smile on her face. "Welcome everyone, I hope you all had a good trip, for some longer than others," she said while giving a smile to Rachel, who came all the way from the US, "nevertheless, thank you all for being here and hopefully we can put on some good performances. I expect everyone to give it their all this upcoming week, but let's not forget to enjoy it, okay? Oh, and we have a newbie this week, so make her feel a bit welcomed. In an hour I'll announce the assigned roommates in the conference room, so be there." She said, and with that she left us to ourselves.

I felt all eyes on me as she said those last few sentences. I'm guessing I was the only one new here, seeing as she used newbie instead of newbies.

"What the fuck." I heard someone say behind me. I turned around and saw a rather angry and confused Leah standing in front of me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She spat at me. "Ehm, I-." I started to say. "Leave her alone, Leah." Lauren said, while dragging me away.

"What the fuck is her problem!" I said, turning to Lauren as soon as we were outside. Right now, I was fed up with Leah's behaviour. Couldn't she just let it the fuck go.

"I don't know...," Lauren started carefully, "normally she is never like this." She continued. "You know she is extremely proud to be English, right?" She asked. I just nodded in response, having very much noticed that by now. "So maybe she just needs time to get used to someone that is also considering playing for another country." She questioned, maybe more to herself than to me.

"No, no, no. That's bullshit. She's had about a month to 'get used to it'. For some reason she just hates me or something, and I don't know why." I said in response, while having my fingers up as air quotes when I said 'get used to it'. She was acting ridiculous and I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that she was actually the captain. I mean, what kind of captain treats their teammates like this.

We stayed silent for a bit, while we walked around the campus. Eventually, Lauren spoke up to tell me more about where we were and what they usually did at every particular place we walked by. The little walk we made was nice, as it kept my mind off of all the shitty things going on right now. As we walked back we realised we only had 10 minutes left to go to the conference room, so we immediately made our way over there.

We entered as one of the first ones there, and soon after, everyone joined. Sarina came in as the last one and didn't beat around the bush. She immediately gave us all our schedule for the upcoming week and started to announce the assigned roommates. It took quite long before I heard my name, but as soon as I realised I was paired up with Lauren, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Sarina told us we still had this afternoon off, and that tomorrow we would start training. I didn't really have anything to do this afternoon, so I settled in in our shared room and started to make myself comfortable. That was until I heard a knock on the door. When I opened it a staff member was stood in the door opening. At first I thought I had done something wrong, until she said that someone was waiting for me downstairs.

I tried to think of who could be here looking for me, but nobody came to my mind. When I reached downstairs, I walked outside and saw my favourite person sprinting towards me. She jumped in my arms and immediately my bad mood from this morning was turned into an overload of happiness.

"Emma, wat doen jullie hier?" (Emma, what are you doing here?) I asked confused, surprised and so incredibly happy at the same time. My love for Emma was hard to describe. Even though we were 12 years apart, she was my everything and I couldn't imagine my life without her.

"Verassing!!" (Surprise!!) she screamed in my ear. She, noticeably, being very happy as well to be reunited again. She wiggled in my arms, letting me know she wants to be put on the ground again. "Waar is Lauren?" (Where is Lauren?) she asked me with puppy eyes, begging me to take her up to my room and 'chill' with here. Emma thought she was very cool whenever she used that word. It was adorable.

While Emma already sprinted into the building I greeted my aunt and uncle and told them they should go out for dinner, while I would keep an eye on Emma. They thanked me profusely, making it obvious they very much needed a break. Because, although, Emma was a sweetheart, she also consumed a lot of energy from others around her.

I followed Emma inside and saw her standing with her mouth open and her eyes wide as she looked around. She's basically copying my face of when I walked in this morning. Absolutely flabbergasted.

She turned around, ran up to me, took my hand and started dragging me to where she thought we had to go. We walked up to my room, while we chatted about what had happened since we last saw each other. Or well, as much as you can talk with a 6 year old.

We knocked on the door and Lauren opened, as I expected. Though, Georgia, Keira and Lucy were in our room as well. Emma jumped onto Lauren and gave her a massive hug. She then sprinted straight past Lauren and jumped onto my bed. I didn't know what my aunt and uncle had given her, but she was being extremely energetic this evening.

While Emma was introducing herself to all the others in the room, I quickly slipped away and went to Sarina her office.

I asked Sarina if it was okay if Emma was here until my aunt and uncle would pick her up. I assumed it was, since she has children herself and knows what it's like to have a younger one under her care. Yes, I did my research.

She told me it was completely okay, as long as she was leaving tonight. She even told me Emma could join the team dinner that was planned for tonight. I thanked her and walked back to my room again.

When I came back, I saw Emma completely mesmerised by something Lucy was telling her. Which, presumably, had something to do with football, because Emma doesn't seem to care much about anything other than football.

As soon as it was time to head downstairs for dinner we all got up and made our way over. While we were walking in the hallway I was walking behind, holding Emma's hand, making sure I don't lose her out of my eyesight. As soon as we turned the corner I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around. Immediately pushing Emma a bit behind me, because I didn't know who it was.

As soon as I saw that it was Leah who had stopped us, I pushed Emma completely behind me. Seeing as I don't really trust Leah right about now. I saw that she noticed my movement with Emma. Good. I wanted her to notice that she could not go anywhere near my little sister.

Leah looked very irritated, but honestly, she always looked irritated if I was in here line of sight.

Oh God, what does she want now. I thought to myself, thinking about what I could have done wrong this time.

- hello beautiful people, we're finally here!! Camp has started! *loud cheers in the background*
- thank you so much for all of your support, it honestly means a lot to me.
- hope you've enjoyed this chapter and have a wonderful day!


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