Part 12

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The training in the afternoon was tough. Leah certainly didn't go easy on me, making all sorts of harsh, reckless tackles on me and passing de ball way too hard over a short distance, making me look like an idiot.

I can't believe she was still behaving like this. I mean, I could've gotten badly injured by those tackles. From now on I was going to ignore and avoid her like mad.


The days went by pretty fast, and I really enjoyed camp so far, now that I had a solid plan for avoiding Leah.

In the morning, Lauren and I would be later to breakfast than usual, and because Leah is the captain she is always one of the first to be in the cafetaria. Every morning, there were two seats saved for us by our standard table, which consisted of Keira, Lucy, Georgia, Lotte and Nikita. This way I had no chance of getting in any sort of contact with Leah.

Then, during trainings it would be more difficult. Though, Leah and I never paired voluntarily, so that did help. But really, the only moment during the day Leah could do anything to annoy me was during drills or 5 a side games and during team bonding time.

With dinner we had the exact same strategy as for breakfast, and it worked amazingly. The whole time, I didn't say a word to Leah. The only thing she could do was give me angry looks, and I didn't mind too much about that. Obviously it bothered me, but she has done worse.


The two matches that were being played this week were against Italy and Norway. So two tough matches, but nothing we couldn't handle.

The first game was against Italy. I didn't have to do any homework regarding tactics and analysing the opposition, because I wouldn't be playing any minutes. So my schedule wasn't as busy as the rest of the squad, luckily this gave me some time to work on my passing and shooting. So while everyone was studying, I went out on the pitch with a few balls and started my shooting drill.

Hours went by and before I knew it the sky turned darker and darker. I turned my phone on and realised I still had about an hour to get to dinner. So I decided to continue my shooting for about 15 minutes before I was going to head in.

As soon as I went to walk back, I heard someone walk behind me. I turned around and saw Sarina walking up to me. She started walking beside me with a serious expression on her face.

"How are you, Stacy? Are you fitting in alright?" Sarina said, still looking ahead of her. "Yeah, ehh, I'm alright. Enjoying and learning a lot." I said hesitantly, because I didn't know where she was going with this conversation.

"Stacy, I'm gonna ask you a question and I want you to be completely honest with me." She said, now looking at me. I just nodded in response, thinking about any sort of way I could've fucked up.

"What is going on between you and Leah?" She asked seriously, still making eye contact. My eyes widened and I gulped hard. I didn't want to be the one to snitch on Leah, but I certainly also didn't want to have to lie to Sarina. I though for a moment about what my options were here, and I decided to tell her the truth, but... less bad?

"Ehmm, well, not much really. I guess we just have a little disagreement going on." I said, hoping that my answer would be enough for her. It wasn't. She made a gesture for me to continue, and so I didn't really have a choice.

"I guess, Leah just doesn't really like the fact that I might be considering to play for the Netherlands. I think, she's convinced that that would be some sort of betrayal or something." I said, still not mentioning all the things Leah had done to make my life a lot harder. 

Sarina nodded her head, making it clear she heard and understood what I had said. "I'll talk to Leah about it." Sarina said. "Oh, no, that's really not necessary." I replied, making it obvious that I really didn't want to involve Leah in this, while still trying to be respectful.

"Don't worry, I won't mention that I've talked to you." She said with a smile, making me slightly more comfortable. Though, I still didn't want Leah to find out I had talked to Sarina about this. She would make my life even harder than she already did.

Tough, I'm sure Sarina had the common sense to talk with Leah after the game, and not before. So I still had a bit of free air, before hell could go down.


The game was amazing. We won 3-0, with goals from Beth M, Lauren and Fran. I was sitting on the bench, admiring how the girls were playing out there. I noticed that my mind was more and more set on playing for England. What a dream it would be to play with the England badge on my chest.

After the game we had a bit of time for ourselves, until we had to go to sleep. 

The next day, we had a fairly easy schedule. All the girls that had played had a recovery training, while me and the girls who hadn't played had a normal training. The training went really well, especially now that I didn't have to worry about someone making ridiculous tackles on me and possibly injuring me.

That afternoon we only had a team bonding planned, so this day wouldn't be too hard on my body. Lauren and I walked towards Lucy and Keira's room, where the bonding would take place. We were one of the first ones there so we claimed our places on the bed, making ourselves comfortable, while all the other girls walked in as well.

We decided to play truth or dare, the classic one. A few truths or dares had gone by, when I heard my name being called. Lauren nudged me awake as I had almost fallen asleep on her shoulder.

"Truth or dare?" Lucy asked me with a mischievous grin on her face. Oh god, I thought to myself. You never knew what to expect with Lucy, she could be in a mood where she had mercy or non at all. And from her face I assumed the latter.

So I decided to go with truth, which is in my opinion the safer choice. "Are you a virgin?" She asked. Frankly, I expected way worse from her. This wasn't too bad, as long as there weren't any details I had to tell, because that would be really uncomfortable.

"Nope." I said, popping the p. Lucy, though, didn't seem to be content with that answer and urged me to continue. "What?" I asked her. "Give us the details! How old, where, guy or girl. Come on, don't be boring." Lucy said, with a smirk on her face, knowing exactly what she was doing. I didn't seem to have any other options here, so I decided to answer everything as fast and plain as possible.

"15. the Netherlands. A guy, my boyfriend at the time." I said as quickly as I could. "Wow. Really? Didn't think you swung that way." Keira said with a surprised look on her face.

"I swing both ways." I said with a smirk on my face, while sending her a wink. For this, I got a death stare from Lucy, who therefore I send a wink as well. Teasing her, as she had done to me just a minute ago by asking so many follow-up questions. Because of my winks they both blushed, which was really funny to see. I wasn't the only one who had picked up on the couple blushing furiously and loud laughter filled the room.

We played a few more games, until we all decided it would be best to go to sleep. We all went back to our assigned rooms and before I fell asleep I thought about the situation with Sarina and Leah. Surely, Sarina hadn't spoken to Leah yet, otherwise I would surely have heard something about it.

Maybe Sarina was waiting to tell her until the end of the camp. That would be a relieve, because then I wouldn't be confronted with an angry Leah. We did have a game against Arsenal, but that wasn't immediately after camp. So maybe by then she would have forgotten completely about it.

Though I knew that wouldn't be the case, I just hoped. And, as my mum always said, you can always have hope.

- hope you liked this chapter, and give suggestions or ideas if you have some!
- have a lovely day, and hopefully see you at the next chapter!


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