Part 20

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Tonight, the call ups were going to be made. I didn't even know, but I just received a message from Lucy saying that she got called up. Of course she is one of the first to get called up. Seeing as her last name starts with a B. Mine with a T, so that could take a while.

Lauren and I just had dinner and we were now impatiently waiting for her phone screen to light up. Even though there wasn't a doubt that she was going to get called up, it was always a nervous moment.

Her last name started with an H, so it shouldn't take long before she received her call. Though, I'm pretty sure I'm more nervous than she is about this. She actually looks pretty relaxed. Probably because she also knows that there is a big chance that she'll get called up.

For me, however, it really was a guessing game. I had finally made my decision to play for England, but that did not mean that Sarina was also actually going to call me up.

If we'd both get called up, we'd be travelling to the training ground the day after tomorrow. If I didn't, I was just going to continue my training at the Etihad Campus, with the rest of the girls that didn't get called up for their respective national teams.

Suddenly, Lauren's phone lit up, and it started vibrating. I don't think she could have been any faster answering the phone, so only after the first ring she already had her phone by her ear.

By her facial expressions it was easy to make out that she was called up, besides that, her phone was so loud that I could easily listen in on the conversation.

While Lauren was still on the phone, I now also received a message in the groups app that Alex was called up. I congratulated her and put my phone away immediately, not wanting to seem disinterested in Lauren her phone call.

Suddenly, Lauren took the phone away from her ear. "She wants to speak to you." Lauren said in a whisper.

"What," I stuttered, confused, "what do you mean?" I asked her. "I mean, she wants to speak to you. I don't know more than you do." She whispered back.

Before I could answer she shoved the phone in my hands and pulled them towards my ear.

"Hello?" I said, not knowing if Sarina was even still on the line. "Stacy! Hi, do you have a minute?" She asked. By now I was sweating like crazy, and I could feel my heart beating in my throat.

"Yeah, yeah of course." I said, wishing I was still smiling in a few minutes. "Well, I just thought I'd do two in one, since Lauren said she was sitting next to you." She calmly said, trying to explain why she wanted to speak to me.

"And so, it is a privilege to inform you that I'd love to have you at the upcoming England camp." She continued.

Oh my God. I couldn't believe it. By now my heart was almost literally beating out of my chest, and for a good few seconds I wasn't able to form any words.

"Th-thank you so much. I won't let you down, I promise." I said in unbelief. "I don't expect you to," she replied, "I'll see you in a few days, Stacy. Have a good night." She said, and she hung up the phone.

My mouth was hanging wide open and I was staring in shock at Lauren. Who had a confused look on her face, and was trying to figure out what had just happened. She gave me a 'are you still going to tell me what that was' look, before I jumped up from the couch, while I shouted, "GET IN!!"

"What! Did you get called up? Please say you got called up!" Lauren said, now standing as well. I just engulfed her in a hug, and whispered in her ear, "Yeah, I did."

She pulled away from the hug, still holding both my shoulders, to look at me. Before, this time, she was the one that pulled the other in a hug.


This afternoon, all the Manchester girls would meet up, so we could all travel to St. George's Park together. The past few days, my ankle started feeling better and better, and so I was confident that it was going to be fine as soon as Sarina needed me.

We had all agreed to be at the cafe by 11 am. And so, at 10:55 I walked in the cafe, already seeing Keira, Lucy and Georgia enjoying their coffees. I joined them, and ordered a 'to go' coffee for myself, so I could take it with me as soon as the van arrived.

Not long after, all the Manchester girls started to sit next to us, one by one. By now, the van had arrived and we were only just waiting for Ella and Alessia to arrive.

Though, everyone knew how clumsy they were, especially together. So it's not weird that they were one of the last ones to arrive.

As soon as they arrived as well, we took our seats in the van and we all made ourselves comfortable. I won't deny it, I was nervous. Very nervous. I just had to keep telling myself that I could do this, and that I deserved to be here. And so I whispered, to encourage myself, and soft enough for no one to hear,

"I can do this, I deserve to be here."

- bit of a short one, but I just really wanted to give you guys an update.
- motivation is a bit gone, I do have a whole idea for Leah and Stacy, but I just need some inspiration of tiny things that could happen throughout the story that won't affect the storyline. So if you have any ideas or whatever, PLEASE tell me.
- hope you enjoyed this one, and have a lovely day!


Nothing shines as bright as your eyes - (Leah Williamson x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora