Part 11

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"Who is that?" Leah asked me, seemingly bothered by something, yet again. "To be honest, that is none of your business." I said, wanting to give away the least as possible about my private life, while also being a tad respectful, because after all she is the captain.

"You can't have your kid here." Leah stated seriously. "My kid?," I was dumbfounded by the fact that she thought Emma was my daughter, "how old do you think I am." I said rather than asked.

"You wouldn't answer my question, so I just assumed." Leah said casually, knowing it would irritate me. But I wasn't gonna let her have it her way this easy. "Well, she is not my kid." I said with a blank face, still wanting to end this conversation as quickly as possible.

"She still can't be here." Leah said in a very annoying authoritative voice. "I already cleared this with Sarina, so again I don't see how this is any of your business." I shot back. She didn't seem to have an immediate answer to this, which very much pleased me. So I decided to walk on, as she still hadn't replied to me.

As we continued to walk downstairs, Emma wore an expression of beyond confusion on her face. "Wie was dat?" (Who was that?) she asked with a soft voice. "Niemand. Dat is niet belangrijk, maar blijf bij haar uit de buurt, oké?" (No one. It's not important, just stay away from her, okay?) I said seriously, hopefully getting the message across that I was being serious about this. She just nodded in response and sprinted into the dining room, as soon as she saw Lauren.

Dinner was great, Emma was received with open arm and everyone was being so nice to her. Despite getting some angry looks thrown towards me every time Emma got attention from anyone, I still really enjoyed it and felt more and more comfortable at my first ever camp.

Not long after dinner had finished, my aunt and uncle came back to pick Emma up. They told me they would be here for the whole week, which quite surprised me since I thought they didn't have time for that. On the other hand, they kind of had to, if they wanted to leave Emma with me for a bit after camp. Because during camp I obviously couldn't keep Emma with me.

When me and Lauren had said goodbye to Emma, she insisted on saying goodbye to Lauren as well, we walked back up to our room. We both agreed we would go to bed early, seeing as training would start tomorrow and we both wanted to leave a good impression.


The next morning we were up quite early, because on the schedule that we were given was noted that breakfast was at 8 am. We got ready and walked downstairs to the cafeteria. We walked in and by now I was quite used to the death stare Leah gave me as soon as she saw me. But now there were two. Beth Mead was staring at me like crazy as well. No, not her as well. I actually kind of liked her, I thought to myself.

Lauren and I went to sit at the table where Lucy, Keira, Georgia, Lotte and Nikita were sitting already. We talked about all sorts of things, but mostly about upcoming training and that it would most likely be some sort of cardio training. Luckily, my stamina was on point and I actually liked cardio trainings. So I was quite excited for today.

Th rest of breakfast was really just Lucy showing off and claiming she was the fittest at the table and that she would destroy us in upcoming training. Maybe she just needs a bit of extra competition. So I knew what was waiting for me. I had to beat Lucy, just to shut her up. Maybe then I would earn a bit more respect from Leah, and now Beth apparently as well.

We all walked up to our rooms again and started getting ready for training. We had an hour before training started, to get ready and make our way to the pitch.

As Lauren and I walked to the pitch, she gave me some encouraging words and a warm smile, knowing I was really nervous, before we joined the rest of the girls already waiting.

The training went quite well, if I say so myself. It was quite exhausting, but I always get a kick out of that. I love pushing myself just a little further than the rest. At last, while we were already almost literally slaughtered by the combination of the heat and the amount of running, we had a shuttle run test waiting for us. This got me extremely motivated, because this was finally the moment I could try and beat Lucy.

Of course, we started off very easy and slowly. But as we were going faster and it seemed like the sun was shining brighter than ever before, the goalkeepers were the first to drop out. Slowly but surely, one by one, people started to drop out until it was just me, Lucy, Georgia, Leah and Lauren left. We were now at level 9, so we already passed the test easily. I was tired, but not as tired as Georgia and Lauren seemed to be. And, as I expected, they dropped out at the start of level 10.

Now, it was just me, Lucy and Leah. This could go on for a while, I thought to myself. Though, I was eager to beat the both of them. Maybe a bit more to beat Leah than Lucy, but I knew I was going to beat them both. This, because I loved the shuttle run test, I run it at least once in the two weeks, so really right now wasn't too hard. Most people think it's so weird that I like the shuttle run test and do it voluntarily, but I just love pushing my limits, setting my boundaries just a little further and getting PR's.

We were now in the middle of level 11, when I saw Leah slow down and drop out. I tried to keep a stoic face and not let anyone show how pleased I was with this, but I couldn't help but let a tiny smile slip, just enough for Leah to see. And she did, which pleased me even more.

Lucy and I kept on running for a while, until the start of level 14. Beside me I heard Lucy mumble a soft "fuck you" and she started slowing down. I let out a laugh at her seriousness of this test, though I couldn't deny I also took this test way too seriously. I kept on running, when I heard the second to last beep, signalling the start of level 15, the last level.

By now it was getting really tough, not only because of the burning sun on my skin, but also the fact that I was running alone and everyone was watching me. I didn't like being the center of attention, and right now that is exactly what I was. As soon as I heard the last and final beep I slowed down and dropped to the ground. I heard a few clapping hands around me, while I was laying on the ground like a sea star.

Lauren helped me up, and patted me on the back. "I don't know why you were so nervous, you absolutely smashed it!" She excitingly told me. I just chuckled in response, not yet being able to form words because of my exhaustion.

When we walked back to the main building, Sarina gave me a look and a thumbs up, which did me really good.

Lucy came walking beside me and put an arm around my shoulder. "Did you just do this because of me showing off at breakfast this morning?" Lucy questioned with a smile on her face. "I guess you're just not the fittest anymore." I replied with a smirk, knowing that we were just joking with each other.

"Depends on which form of fit you mean." She said, while stopping at the door of her room and sending a wink my way. I laughed in response and walked on towards mine and Lauren's room.

I plopped down onto my bed and let out a dead loud sigh. This training went well, I beat everyone, especially Leah, which made me feel really good and I even got a thumbs up from Sarina.

Though, we weren't done for today. Later in the afternoon we would still have a training, but this one would presumably be with a ball, instead of just running around.

- hellooo, how are you guys? I just wanted to say, thank you so much for all of your support and sweet comments. Even if you don't comment or vote, know that I appreciate every single one of you.
- I'm not sure if I made it clear in previous chapters, but I'm changing the year this story is happening in. So before it was 2020/2021, but now it'll be 2021/2022. Because it just fits better with the ideas I have. And for everyone who doesn't know, we are now around the end of September/ beginning of October.
- hope you enjoyed it and have a lovely day❤️


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