Part 2

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When I woke up, the nerves for the day that was ahead immediately kicked in. I still had two hours to get to the Manchester City training ground, so luckily I didn't have to hurry.

I didn't have a car located in Manchester yet, so I called an Uber to drive me to the training ground. When I arrived, I finally saw the building that I had seen in so many pictures my parents showed me when I was younger. I specifically remember the picture of me, my mum and my dad posing in front of the Manchester city training ground, also called the Etihad Campus, with the three of us all wearing Manchester City shirts and, me with a ball under my arm, smiling widely.

I entered the building and told the receptionist that I was here. I had no idea what to do while waiting for someone to welcome me here, so I just stood there awkwardly.

'Come on, Stacy. Don't just stand here, do something!' I thought to myself. Nevertheless, I just kept standing, shuffling a bit to the side of the reception desk. I'm pretty sure that the receptionist noticed that I was absolutely shitting myself, but she didn't say anything about it.

I then saw a woman walking towards me, while she welcomed me with a warm smile. I returned the smile and reached my hand out for her to shake.

"Hi, I'm Rosy. It's nice to finally meet you! I'll be giving you a tour today, but normally I serve as a sort of 'safe-space' person for the players and staff. But first we'll make sure you sign that contract!" She said, making me feel very welcomed.

"Hi, I'm Stacy. It's nice to meet you too." I said, already feeling less nervous about everything. "Great! Follow me!" She replied enthusiastically.

We made our way over to the press room, where I signed my two-year deal with the club. This is also where I met my new manager, Gareth Taylor. And no, we're not family.

The photographers took some pictures of me signing my new contract and me holding the Manchester City shirt with the name 'Taylor' and the number 21 on the back.

After, Rosy showed me around the whole building and the different facilities before leading me out to the training pitches. She told me that we had basically seen everything now, but that if I ever needed someone to reach out to I could always give her a call.

"Well, I'm going to head back to my office," she said, "but the girls are training right now, so if you want to go and have a look you're very welcome to.

I said a quick thanks and made my way over to the pitch where the training was. It wasn't far, so I made it there fairly quick and sat on one of the many folding chairs.

I watched the girls train for a bit, until I saw someone making their way over to me. It was Lauren.

"STACY! WHAT THE HELL! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" She screamed from at least 40 meters away from me. She ran over to me and gave me a massive hug. I was happy to return the hug, but she was covered in sweat, so I softly pushed her a bit away from me.

"Hello to you too, Lauren" I sarcastically chuckled back. She gave me a friendly shove and motioned for me to answer her question. "I'm your teammate now." I said nervously, not knowing how she was going to react.

She gasped in disbelief, but then smiled widely and pulled me in for another hug. This time I didn't make a big deal of her being sweaty, I was just happy that she reacted so positive to me joining the team.

"I'm gonna change now, but do you maybe wanna grab a coffee after?" She asked. I nodded and said I'd wait for her in the parking lot.

That afternoon we grabbed a coffee and chatted about literally everything. From my parents and Emma to the upcoming WSL season to the u-19's euro's happening this summer.

She eventually dropped me off at my apartment and invited herself over for tomorrow. I'm used to her inviting herself over by now, so I was only happy that she was coming over before I had to leave for the England camp, the preparation for the u-19's euro's. She also said that she would bring some of the girls with her for me to meet.

I unlocked my front door and walked into my still very new apartment. I plopped down on the couch and could already feel my eyes starting to close. I don't know why I was so nervous at the beginning of this day, everyone was so nice.

I heard a knock on the door and went to open it. There stood a parcel delivery guy and a big travel bag with the England badge on the front.

I took the bag inside and was very excited to open it. Inside were loads of training gear and a few letters, just rules and recommendations of the things you should bring with you while being away.

I immediately put some of the things on, just to see if they'd fit. I was so excited that I didn't notice the time had passed quite a bit. It was now 11:30 p.m. and so I decided to go to sleep, because if Lauren was coming over tomorrow I'd definitely need all the energy I could get.

- Part 2! Let me know what you think! If you have some ideas or suggestions please say so! I'll consider everything!
- also if you have some tips for my writing skills please tell me, because I definitely need them. Or you notice any grammer or spelling mistakes, please point them out, so I can correct it.
- Thank you for reading and hopefully see you at the next part!


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