Part 21

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It was the first day of camp. We had a small afternoon training, and after we would have dinner and an evening for ourselves.

Training wasn't too difficult, seeing as that it was the first training of the week, and it was mostly conditional. Though, at the end we did a small 5 a side tournament, which was really fun. I also noticed that Leah didn't have it out for me anymore, at least not too much.

The rest of the day went by quite quickly. Dinner was fun, as always it was just Lucy joking around and entertaining us. People might think that she is this badass that cares about no one, but really she is just a cinnamon roll. Of course she can be serious at times and she certainly is quite cool, I'd never admit it though, but she is the kindest and most caring person you'll ever meet.

After dinner, Lauren and I went up to our room, to get ready to watch a film in Lucy and Keira their room. Luckily, Sarina had placed us together in a room, since camp is still quite new for me and Lauren actually makes everything a lot easier.

We got ready and walked to the room a few doors next to ours. Before I could even knock, the door swung open, revealing an excited Lucy. "Come in." Lucy said, making a hand gesture that said we could walk past her and into their room.

"Any film suggestions?" Keira asked, not taking her eyes of the tv, where she was scrolling through Netflix, looking for a good film.

I sat at the end of the bed, sitting next to Lauren, while both of our eyes were glued to the tv. It took about 15 minutes to find a nice film, but eventually we landed on Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Well, Lucy picked it, since she is crazy about Marvel. To be honest, I wasn't a big fan of Marvel, I liked it, but that's that. I only watched the Spider-Man ones, because of Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland, which according to Lucy was a big, big crime.

I noticed that around halfway through the film my eyes started to get heavier and heavier and eventually I couldn't help but close them for just a second. Though, as you might expect, I was out for the remainder of the film.

I got woken up by a light nudge at my right shoulder, presumably Lauren who had already been sitting on my right side for the whole evening. I opened one eye slightly, letting them get adjusted to the light, before I opened my eyes completely.

I noticed that Lauren was all ready to go back to our room, and that the tv was off. I got up and let out a groan, not wanting to get up from the comfortable position I was laying in.

We made our way over to our own room, and got ready to get to bed. Upcoming week would be a big one, with a potential debut for me. I couldn't lie, I was excited and extremely nervous at the same time.


I had been laying in bed with my eyes wide open for about 3 hours now. It was around 2 am, and I just couldn't seem to get any sleep. I decided that just laying here wouldn't do me any good either, and so I got dressed again and did my hair, making myself look at least a little presentable.

I softly made my way out of the shared room, since Lauren was fast asleep. I went downstairs to the restaurant or cafe or whatever it was, 2 am certainly wasn't the best time to think clearly, for me.

I sat at the bar and held my head in my hands. God, why does this have to happen right now, I thought to myself. It wasn't uncommon for me to not be able to sleep. I sometimes had these periods where I just couldn't sleep. Usually the pattern was that the first night I couldn't sleep, the next one I could, then the one after I couldn't again and so on. Normally it lasted for about a week, but I was silently praying that this was just a coincidence and not actually what I thought it was.

I asked the barman, who looked barely awake himself, for some water and a cup of tea. It was very likely that I was going to be up for a large part of the night, so I was planning on leaving quite fast, so I could relieve the barman of his suffering.

I didn't plan on making him stay up for the whole night, just because I couldn't sleep. Even though, he was actually quite nice. We made a bit of small talk, which seemed to do the both of us really good.

I learned that his name was Jack, and that he was just 2 years older than me. He told me that he played football himself, and that he started to work here so he could earn a bit of money while enjoying his hobby, but to his disappointment he ended up working behind the bar instead.

Though, he didn't look too down about it. I bet he was just gassed to even work at St. George's Park in the first place. He could be closest to a few of his biggest idols, which in his case were Lucy Bronze and Mason Mount. I noticed that he was quite the football fan, I mean I hadn't even told him my name, but he actually knew who I was, and I hadn't even made my debut yet.

Eventually the conversation died down a bit and I started scrolling on my instagram. While he was doing whatever he had to do behind the bar, which didn't seem to be a lot.

Eventually, I asked Jack, who was now literally almost sleeping, for another glass of water, when I heard footsteps behind me.

I turned my head around, and my eyes widened slightly. But not enough for her to notice. I had not expected to see her here.

"Hi." She said, staring in front of her, not even looking my way in the slightest. "Hi." I whispered back, not having a clue about what was or wasn't about to go down.

"Sooo," she started, stretching out the 'o', "what are you doing up?" She said, still not looking in my direction, while getting herself a glass of water, since Jack had now actually fallen asleep.

"Can't sleep." I said maybe a little harsher than I intended, but giving her as little information as possible, not wanting to let her know about this reoccurring flaw of mine.

"Look," she started, now looking my way for the first time since she had taken a seat next to me, "I just wanted to say sorr-"

"Just save it, Leah."

-hello beautiful people, hope you enjoyed this one!
- as hopefully many of you know, this is a slow burn, and I intend to keep it that way, so don't expect them to become a couple straight away. That would just be very unrealistic and weird at this point in the story. But no worries! Of course I do plan for them to get together eventually!
- hope to see you at the next one, and have a lovely day!


Nothing shines as bright as your eyes - (Leah Williamson x OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя