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" THE PRINCE HAS BEEN ASSASSINATED, GUARDS, GUARD EVERY CORNER AND DO NOT LET ANYONE ESCAPE BEFORE WE FIND THE CULPRIT." an announcement was made as everyone in the palace were shocked as they started scrambling and yelling frantically.

" shit...fuck it nows our chance lets make use of the load of people and sneak out, hurry!" minho whisper-yelled and they ran side by side to the exit.

"me and taeyong will search outside incase the culprit tries to escape, is that okay?" minho asked one of the guards who were guarding the exit. "alright, but make sure to report immediately of any findings or arrest them on the spot." they replied, earning a small nod from the both of them. "okay, thank you" they mumbled before walking out.

they walked to the gate as they looked around them. aside from a few guards here and there, there were no other people since everyone was instructed to remain in the palace.

" okay jisung, this is important. we need to flee quickly and quietly at the same time. there are guards so be careful about that. this is the final step before we return back to JYPG. lets do this alright" minho whispered to jisung. "mhm!" jisung smiled, looking at the gate infront of him.

" one....two....three.....GO" minho grabbed jisung's wrist as they ran as fast as they could, however, a gun shot was heard as well as a yell from one of them.

" THERE THEY ARE, SEIZE THEM" a yell was heard from the guards chasing after them, but the more the ran, the harder it was to speed up as one of their legs has been shot.

" MINHO!!" jisung screamed as he saw blood ooze from the elder's thigh. with no hesitation, jisung threw minho onto his back as he ran , piggybacking the elder as he pushed his stamina limits, rushing over to a corner where they would not be seen easily. minho slightly blushed as he wrapped his arms around the younger's shoulders, groaning whenever his thigh stung. "bullets in my thighs, just how nice" he sang, making jisung laugh a bit while he pants inbetween giggles.

"hold on hyung" jisung whispered comfortingly as he sat the elder down and ripped off a piece of fabric from his shirt. wrapping it and tying it around the latter's thigh, ensuring it is secure before placing him back onto his back as he ran the final few kilometers to the JYPG building.

"wow jisung, your stamina is seriously no joke, hyunjin must have been harsh on you" minho praised, sighing in relief once he sees the building in sight.

as the doors open, all eyes were on both jisung and minho. "quick hurry! medical team! he has been shot!" jisung yelled as he set minho down onto the nearest sofa by the JYP cafe as he watched the first aid team rush to his side.

"he has been shot on his thigh, nothing else from that, thank you" jisung reported, earning a "noted" from the doctor.

he watched how the doctor untied the fabric and inspected the wound. "this will hurt a little" he said before using tweezers to take out the bullet, minho hissing in response. "a bit more hyung" jisung whispered, heart hurting at the scene.

the doctor bandaged the wound and cleaned off any excess blood before keeping the equipment. "he should be fine for now, do bring him back to your headquarters so your doctor can treat him. all the best." he said before leaving.

jisung looked over to minho as he sighed. "ill call the guys to come pick us up, are you feeling okay?" he asked, concerned. the bullet was really deep into his (fresh,juicy,luscious) thighs anyway so that have to hurt a ton.

"okay" minho mumbled, before closing his eyes as he drifted off to sleep. it was well deserved since he hadn't had a proper rest since forever, and losing blood made his drowsyness worse.

"rest, hyung" jisung smiled at him before sitting beside minho's head, staring at the male. "hes so pretty" he thought, resisting the urge to caress the elder.

" hey chan, minho got shot and we are now at JYPG , at the sofa near the cafe. please come pick us up!" jisung said, hearing some worried voices on the other line.

"okay, take care of him before we reach" chan answered, hanging up as jisung slouched against the soft couch, feeling himself submitting to sleep. his eyes shut and his body relaxed before he fell asleep.

both of them slept on the couch right next to each other peacefully, as they wait for their dear friends to arrive.

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