Chapter 1: A Terrible Resolve

Start from the beginning

"Yes sir, the Nation Guard, Marines, Army and elements from the First, Second and Third Armored and Mechanized Divisions are approaching as fast as they can to support us."

Mike smiled.

Their guns will mow down the invaders within minutes leaving but corpses of the enemy.

"We also received news that the Air Force will be also supporting us in clearing the skies from enemy Dragon Riders, they also said they'll be sending in two new F-35B's from Joint Base Andrews to aid us."

"Really?! That's great, so what's next?"

"The 11th Field Artillery Regiment is approaching at the White House as we spe-

The Agent was suddenly interrupted by another Agent shouting:

"Incoming enemy forces!"

Mike gritted his teeth as he saw the invading Army.

"Prepare yourselves! Don't let the enemy take a single step to the White House! Defend it at all costs!"

Mike ordered or rather shouted at the Agent's, while they replied:

"Sir, yes sir!"

"You, get those Rockets along with several men to assist you, we need those now!"

"Yes sir!"

The Agent saluted at Mike as he and several others were going to the storage room to fetch those weapons.

"Everyone open fire!"

The moment Mike made the order and after that, all hell let loose.

All weapons ranging from Handguns, Sniper Rifles and Assault Rifles to Heavy Machine Guns all fired at the same time, shooting at the invaders with concentrated and determined expressions on their faces as they rain with merciless fire.

Mike watched the scene as he remembered a certain day with the same feeling as it is right now.

Men falling from gunshots, others got their intestines blown out of bloody gore, some have missing limbs, it was a day to remember.

Before long the same Agent along with several others brought the Rocket Launchers and began positioning themselves at the fence.

"Artillery incoming!"

One of the Agent's shouted as the enemy Ballistae began shooting rocks, while on the other side of the Fence, many civilians scattered around seeking shelter from the raining rocks.

"Use the SMAW and aim at the enemy artillery now!" Mike ordered the men as they replied.

"Yes sir!"

"Yes sir!"

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