Chapter 94 | "We Have Bigger Things To Worry About"

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"Why didn't you say anything? I let her go to Seatac! Fuck, Eric!" Matthew berated Eric for not speaking up earlier, feeling responsible for letting her go.

"Not my place. She had a plan after the royals funeral. I did as instructed." Eric offered.

"Well, that plan backfired hadn't it? Ezra levelled the facility. Fuck," Matthew ran his hand through his hair. "You know what we are. We can protect her. And if I knew the whole situation at hand!"

Eric wanted to tell them of what Eko would be planning next, but stopped himself when the conversation turned and Richie interjected. "Madison is never going to admit to this, she hates you enough as it is," he looked over to Matthew that scoffed at that fact.

'Ohhhhhhhh...she hasn't told them.' Eric's mind mused.

"Can you get Eko to tell you, the whole we know, you know, we know, type of scenario?" Toni rolled his head, forcing his best mate to shake his own.

"And if I push her, Madison will force them to take off again. Eko is sworn to protect her, so she'll go. We have seen it when she went to SeaTac." Matthew debated his next move with this new information.

The news was almost unbelievable to Eric. He had been concealing two secrets: that Sera, who went by the name Eko among the soldiers, was not just the princess but also a warrior. This put him in a difficult situation, but his loyalty still lay with the future queen. Despite this, Sera had her own reasons for not revealing her true identity, which remained a mystery to Eric.

Eric cleared his throat, gathering the attention of the men who were discussing their approach to the situation. "Your best option is to keep them safe here, considering what you now know," he advised.

Toni, however, was not pleased with Eric's response. "Or you could have fucking told us that originally," he reprimanded him, "we could have been better prepared. Done this differently."

Eric calmly defended himself, "What do you want me to say? You are aware now, and from this conversation, you can ensure the safety of both the princess and her cousin until she is ready to reveal her identity. If we confront them now, they may flee, especially her highness."

The three men acknowledged Eric's words, realizing the delicate nature of the situation. Madison's unpredictable nature and the weight of the decision made it necessary to tread carefully. Matthew knew that pushing too hard could result in losing Eko.

Eric, on the other hand, recognized the significance of the new information and felt that Sera needed to disclose her true identity to form alliances for protection in the upcoming war. He believed that the best protection for her would be from other warriors like herself.

Matthew interrupted the man's thoughts, saying, "Regardless of the situation, if we startle Madison, she will likely run."

Eric understood that he needed time to convince Madison of the risks involved. "Now, my other concern is your headmaster," he said.

Richie looked concerned, asking, "Cid? He's been acting anxious and panicky, traits I haven't seen in him since the war."

Matthew chimed in, "But those traits are typical of him, along with nervousness, restlessness, and mild paranoia."

"Could it be because he knows we're going to war?" Richie wondered.

Eric replied with pursed lips, "Cid's usual demeanor is causing unrest. I have heard rumours from the elder's council."

Toni's face scrunched up in confusion, asking, "Rumors about what?" The other two men looked equally puzzled.

"He's competence in doing what he once had. If he is the right man to lead the academies. But with the passing of titles," Eric rolled his head to Matthew shrugging. "Well..."

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