Chapter 7

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Siya was lying unconscious on the king sized bed in a beautiful room.

Her right hand connected to IV drop to give her some energy.

She is out for some hours and now its evening.

Everyone has locked themselves in their room. There were raging stroms, insecurities, fear and tension brewing inside the people of Rajvansh Royal Palace.

Somehow Rudra has controlled the news of his marriage leaking out of the Palace. But how much long it will take the forest to catch a fire from a small spark.

Every people of Palace has their own reasons to not disclose the Jodhpur prince marriage. Some has their selfish motives, then some has their elder order.

It was not a perfect marriage. But it happened infront of God and witnessed by all. Surely it didn't had any exaggerated rituals but the main part has been completed which Rajvansh family lineage accepts as a wedding.

Rudra has been dreading the most. He knows this is the silence before an enormous strom in which he will loose someone who is near to his heart and talking of Siya. She doesn't even know in which mess she has landed herself and what might wait for her can cost her heart and mind.


Siya was gaining her conscious. She moved her hand in silk sheets she has been laid on. Felling its texture between her fingers.

But in a moment just like her trance has been broken she opened her eyes and jerked up straight.

She found a needle piercing the back of her palm. She lifted her head and saw it is connected to a glucose bottle.

Siya franctily moved her eyes all around her.

Siya franctily moved her eyes all around her

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It was a master bedroom just like royals but a little more modernised

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It was a master bedroom just like royals but a little more modernised. Its called an perfect art of architecture. But she never had this much of a big room.

When her thoughts made a sense in her mind she jumped out of the bed in the next second.

But when her feet's made contact with the floor she landed on bed again clutching her head between her hands due to dizziness.

But why is she feeling dizziness!?

She pressurised her mind and then all the things came infront of her eyes like a movie.

At last remembering Rudra actions in the royal temple her face become pale. For a second it looked like she lost her breath.

And why not her wedding is the only thing she was waiting for all her life so her sister could do the rituals as her guardian. It was her only dream that her Jija would do her Kanyadaan.

But in last her marriage broke her a little more.

She clutched her chest right above her heart cause it was paining from all her Jija's death to now her wedding in which she didn't even at least had a say.

Siya got startled when the room door opened. She turned her head towards the door and saw Rudra standing there freezed at his site.

When Rudra came in his room after talking to doctor he got stiffened watching Siya awake.

He was on his edge for the last few hours when Siya was not getting back her conscious. He was worried about her health but now watching her sitting on his bed with messy hair, flames in eyes and eyes sharp like a lioness his mouth left out a whisper


It was a small whisper almost unheard by himself own.

He knew she is truly a lioness but his lioness.

Only HIS.

Siya looked at Rudra with so much fierceness that if possible he would have burnt at there only.

He took small baby steps towards his queen knowing that any moment his lioness could jump on him out of anger.

Rudra reached near the bed edge and gave Siya a small but genuine smile. Only he know how much nervousness was hidden behind his smile.

"Hi" Rudra said after clearing his throat.

His 'Hi' was a trance broker for Siya.

Just when he said to her first word Siya reached out for him.

Rudra's head bent on his right side. It took few minutes for Rudra to came into reality that he, the crowed prince of Jodhpur, has actually been slapped by none other than his own wife on the very first day of their marriage.

The sound of that slap is still echoing in his ears.

Siya fisted her hands for that much strength she used on this slap. Its like her inner Kali Goddess has came out.

Rudra fisted his hands and clenched his jaw to control his anger. He cannot lash out on Siya. He know that this time its his mistake to not even ask her choice in her own marriage.

Siya fisted his collar and jerked him towards herself.

And looking straight into his hazel eyes she roared "How dare you to take advantage of the sedatives to marry me? Do you have any slightest idea what you have done? Don't you have any shame?"

But Rudra was looking into her brown orbs with only calmness. He has to be calm in order to handle this situation. He can understand Siya torment. He can see the storm raging inside her eyes. Its like anytime they can burn this whole world but he will willingly be attracted to its flames just like a moth.

Rudra hold her wrist with gentle but strong firm and looked into her eyes.

"If I hadn't married you, you would have been dead by now!! I had done this to save your life. Calm down and think about it. Its for your own good!!" saying this he freed his collar from her grasp and turned to go.

Before going from there he stopped and looked over his shoulder "Freshen up. I am arranging the dinner in room itself."

Siya was glaring at his back till he left the room. After that she slouched on the bed and a lone tear escaped from her eye.

She hastily wiped that tear and clutched her head between her heads pulling her hair.

Thoughts were running into her mind. She is thinking about escaping from here but at the same time guessing about the opportunities she will get by staying here.

And at last she made her mind to stay in the Rajvansh Royal Palace.

After all, the secrets are buried deep inside the heart of this Palace.


So how's my story going so far?

What do you think how many secrets will open up when the sword tear the heart of Rajvansh Royal Palace?

When will our leads win each other hearts?

And also suggest some ship names for them. Please!!!!

And and and thank you for all your love you guys are showing on my story.

The first chapter has reached more than half century views!!


Till then see you, tata, bye bye Alaskians

Love yaa♥♥

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