Chapter 1

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"Choti why are you worrying so much iI am fine."

"No Jija I m having a bad feeling. Please come back I don't want you to be far from me."

"Acha acha ok baba. Listen I am buyi....Ahhhhhh"

"Hello... Hello Jija? Jija Whats going on? Jija?"

And the line became dead.

The Choti was shivering in fear dialing her sister's number again and again but that was no use. The phone has been switched off.

She immediately rushed to police station for some help.

But to her bad luck officers told her that they can't fill missing report before 24 hours and told her to wait some more time the person will surely call her back.


Its been 2 weeks, there is no clue of her sister.

Nothing falling into right place.

Her sister is the most kindest person she ever knew. She always talks sweetly to others no matter what she is going through.

Choti was leaving no stone unturned for her sister's whereabouts.


Five more days have been passed.

Her phone went off by police officer's number. She quickly picked it up hoping some positive news.


"Hello. Miss Sharma umm.. actually we found your sister's body. Can you come to the city hospital for body's identification?"

The phone slipped from her hand and she fall on her knees.

She cannot believe her ears what she heard right now.

Hoping that it could be someone else, she booked a cab for reaching to the hospital.

How can she not be scared her only family in this world her sister her Jija could be snatched from her for all her life!!

Reaching the hospital, she took a deep breath and reached near the room where the body been placed.

Mustering all her courage she entered the room and approached the body.

But all her courage flew away when she saw the face of the body.

Her Jija was lying there motionless.


She shook her but the body didn't got up.

She asked the officer "What happened to my sister? Why is she not moving?"

To her question the officer replied "Miss Sharma we are sorry to say but your sister is no more."

Her breath got hitched and she hugged the body crying her heart out.

"Wake up Jija. Wake up. Please. You can't do this to me! Please.."

Her whole life shattered into pieces in just few minutes.

After crying for her sister, she asked the officer "How this happened?"

"The forensic report is showing that she was brutally tortured for many days and at last died due to being shot."

She could not believe what she was hearing. Who can do this to her sister? Her sister neither had any enemy nor she talked rudely to anyone.


Days passed like hell for her.

She was devastated on her Jija death moreover she couldn't believe how can someone torture a pure soul like her.

Her sister's funeral was done long back. But the investigation was going on.

She was living like a dead body without her sister there was nothing in left in her life.

Her VengeanceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin