Chapter 5

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Rudra was still in shock of gunshot.

Scary thoughts were running inside his mind for Siya.

He don't know why but it felt like his heart stopped beating for a second thinking that something happened to his Siya.

His Siya that's sound so good.

His heart is not at peace. His mind is giving all negative thoughts.

His chain of thoughts got broke with someone's laughter. This laughter sounds familiar.

Its his cousin Rajveer's laughter.

Running towards the sound, he came into the dungeon room.

Rudra stiffened by the sight in front of him. Tears were flowing from Siya's eyes and blood was oozing out from her right leg. Rajveer shot her leg.

He sucked a sharp breath and in a swift motion choked Rajveer at the wall. Rajveer back made a sharp impact on wall and he hissed in pain.

“Bhaisa what are you doing?” Rajveer could not believe what Rudra is doing with him. He never touched his single hair and now he is choking him.

“How dare you to shoot her?” Rudra asked him in hard voice.

“Bhaisa she is an intruder. She can be harmful for our family!” Rajveer was loosing his temper. He cannot ignore his insult in front of everyone and that too for a mere stranger girl.

“She isn't an intruder. I know her. So. Stay Away From Her” saying this Rudra left him and rushed out of the dungeon picking up Siya.

“Diver take out car Now.” Rudra roared in the living room and left from the palace for hospital.

Everybody at the Palace are in daze. They have fear in their eyes. Rudra never raised his voice and today he roared like an injured lion.

Because of all commotion Kamini came into living room and said “What happened to him? Why was he angry?”

Rajveer came beside her and spatted “Nothing Ma. Maybe lost some nuts.”

Kamini turned towards her son and her eyes got widened.

“What happened to your neck? What are these imprints?” Kamini asked in a worried tone. She got tensed seeing hands imprints on his son neck.

“Told you Ma Rudra lost his nuts. This artwork is given by him for that mere girl in his arms.” Rajveer snapped towards his mother. Can't she see that he is already pissed and she is pissing him more by her stupid questions.

Saying that to his mother Rajveer left for his room.

“Let Rudra come home. Today I will not spare him. How can he behave like that to my son!!” saying that to herself Kamini ordered a maid to inform her when Rudra comes back home and left for her room.


Meera got startled when suddenly Rajveer barged into their room and start throwing things on floor.

After making the room a mess, rajveer stood at a place panting hard.

Watching him Meera found him like a maddened bull. She knew that someone again kicked his ego him.

Going towards him Meera placed her hand on his shoulder and asked in a soft voice “Rajveer. What hap…”

He didn't let her complete her words and bend her hand at her back which was on his shoulder pressing her front to his chest and with another hand he squished her cheeks making her lips pout.

“Don't you dare to show your pity on me. Stay in your limit. Got it.” after saying this he jerked her back from him.

Meera controlled her tears seeing his hatred towards her.

Its like that from always after their marriage. Before it he loves to pamper her. But after marriage she doesn't know what happened to him. Why he always behave rudely and arrogantly towards her.


Here Rudra reached the hospital with an unconscious Siya in bridal style.

“Doctor hurry up.” Rudra ordered at the reception.

Then two doctors came running towards him and looked at the girl in their yuvraaj arms.

Rudra placed her on stretcher and turned towards the doctors.

“Shot in her right leg. Help her.” nodding towards Rudra doctors took her away in operation room.


Here Rudra is pacing outside the OT room. He just prayed to god that nothing should happens to Siya and if anything happened to her than he will kill Rajveer.

He couldn't pin point towards his feeling for her. Why is he so much tensed for her. He never felt like that before for anyone. He just wants to took her in his arms and hide her from the world that no harm could ever reach her.

His pacing came to a halt when the door of OT opened and doctors came out.

He rushed towards the doctors and asked
“Doctor how is she?”

“She is fine Yuvraaj. Bullet has just passed from her leg. So there is nothing serious.“

Rudra exhaled the breath of relief he didn't know was holding.

“Thank you doctor. Can I meet her?”

“Yeah once she gain her conscious you can meet her.

“You can also take her back. And don't forget to feed her something she is weak. She didn't eat anything from yesterday morning.”

Rudra tightened his jaw and made fist to control his anger due to Siya's carelessness. He will surely scold her once she get back her senses.

Seeing Rudra's locked jaw and fist, doctors looked at each other and gulped the lump in their throat. Their eyes held fear for Rudra. They didn't know what wrong they did to get him angry.

Rudra turned towards them and said “Okay Doctor. I will keep that in mind. Thank you.”


Rudra came inside her room and saw her unconscious laying at the hospital bed looking so pale.

He took her hand and held it softly.

“I am here Siya. Open your eyes mia fiamme.”

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