Chapter 5: So... A Date?

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"You wanna fuck her then go right ahead, I don't care" my voice shouted from the device. She replayed it over and over before laughing and putting it away.

"You did in fact tell me to sleep with the enemy. Remember now." Yelena smirked, walking past me. "Don't wait up" she waved at me not bothering to turn and face me.

Yelena's P.O.V

I knew Kate Bishop was starting to get irritated about everything that was going on. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. For the past year I've watched the archer try to capture this mysterious vigilante who she claims to be causing havoc around the city.

(Uh what are you doing?) .... (What does it look like I'm doing, I'm telling my version of events)... (But this is my story) ... (And now it's mine, don't be selfish Kate Bishop) ... (Selfish, wait how did you even get in here) ... (I am a woman of many talents now hush up, it's my turn to tell the story. Now where was I before I got rudely interrupted. Oh yes, Y/n Y/Ln)

Word got around the avenger's compound about said vigilante taking over the city as a new hero, and everyone was now interested in them. Then they saw her talking to the god of mischief himself and suddenly she was placed on the most wanted list.

Y/n Y/Ln, that's all they have been talking about. Safe to say it was funny to see Kate Bishop running around playing cat and mouse, and hearing about the failed missions. Their encounters from what I first heard was the typical bad guy run-in, but then I started to get invested in it. Kate Bishop would talk animatedly about her in counters, the way she fought and how her archery skills was nothing she had ever seen before. Everything she said made me more curious to say the least.

I guess that's why I wanted to get in on the mission. I wanted to help a friend finally capture her nemesis who she had claimed to be y/n. But I didn't expect her to be soo... attractive and so uncaring about everything around her. Like she was enjoying making a fool out of us. 

The first time I saw her that night, the way she fought and had me on my feet. I thought Natasha was the best fighter, and Clint a great archer but y/n made it look like a walk in the park. And when she pulled off her hood, she smirked my way loving how she had caught me slipping up.

She never misses, is what she said. She smirked. The flash bomb arrow that she shot wasn't what really blinded me, but the girl herself.

Then I saw the arrow shoot at the ledge right next to bishop. Curious, I told Peter Parker to get me the arrow so I could look at it. The address on the arrow was bishop security, Kate bishop's mom's building. She wanted to meet with her, and I would admit I felt something strange swirling around in my stomach. It didn't hurt but it made me feel very weird.

Maybe it was the feeling of a trap or perhaps something more dangerous. I knew Kate would try to go there, on her own if need be. I couldn't let her do that. She was too kind-hearted, trusting everyone to be a good person deep down. So, I took it upon myself to check it out.

The firs night I went, I watched y/n sit on the ledge. She straddled it, one leg dangling over the ledge while the other was bend to her chest. Her back pressed on the wall behind her, her arm resting on her knee as she overlooked the city. I waited for an hour just watching her, but she didn't do anything and by the second hour she reached into her pocket, and I readied my gun just in case.

But instead of taking out a weapon she pulled out a pocket-sized notebook and a pen. She wrote something down before she began to fold the paper into a paper airplane, and she let it fly into the night sky before leaving. My eyes stayed glued to the paper and when y/n finally left I began to look for it.

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