Chapter 2: How It Started

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New York: Several Month Before Y/n's Capture

Kate's P.O.V

"So, tell me again how you missed that shot?"

I took a breath, taking a seat next to Clint on the train. My brain had yet to process what had happened, and all I could think about was her and how dumb she made me look tonight.

Y/n mother fucking Y/L, the girl who has been on my mind since the first day I saw her a year ago. I thought when I took her down the first time that would be the last time, I would ever see her. Just some small time wanna be evil doer, not yet able to reach true villainy. A beautiful girl who would probably do her time in jail for petty theft, learn the errors of her ways and then reevaluate her life.

Or so I thought.

No, that didn't happen. Instead, I let my guard down and she came back 10-fold. Running with a new crew, and plans that a mastermind wouldn't even think of doing. And I thought Clints war stories with Thanos was unimaginable, y/n was something else.

"Kate, are you even listening to me?" Clint sighed, slouching even further onto his seat.

"Sorry what?" I say, looking up at the top of the train. My mind still running ramped. Even when I close my eyes trying to rest my thoughts, the events from that night still appear clear as day.

"I said, how did you miss that shot?" he repeated, still in disbelief. And honestly who could blame him. "You know Fury is going to be mad when he finds out you let Y/n get away. No, mad is still too kind, he will blow a huge gasket that you'll be dead just by a simple look."

"Wha-- Nicky, pshh nah he's a teddy bear." I chuckled waving him off trying to play off my mistake, but we both knew he was right. He will never let me live it down, hell he might even kick me out of the avengers.

"Well, you need to figure it out. You're not allowed back at the avenger's compound until you catch Y/n and bring her in" Clint stood up.

"You can't be serious. Tonight, was only just a hiccup. I can--"

"A hiccup" he cut me off. He raised his voice just a bit before toning it down. Seriously why was he so mad. It's not like he has never let any bad guys get away or made a mistake in his life. "Katie, you missed your shot when she was right in front of you."

He wasn't wrong. I had my arrow aimed at the girl's back, a perfect shot despite the crowded ballroom. I remember the deep breath I took filling my lungs before releasing it steadily. I remember feeling the bow's string on my fingers as I pulled it back fully prepared to let the arrow fly. But then Y/n turned and looked directly at me lifting her Champaign glass up almost as if she was giving me a silent cheer, finding me in the eaves as if she'd known I was there all along. She winked at me; arrow went flying, barley gracing the side of her cheek. Still Y/n didn't flinch but smiled.

Curse that beautiful smile of hers.

"It wasn't just today, Kate. Ever since Y/n returned every time you tried to capture her, stick an arrow in her, she always ends up walking away unscathed while you come back looking like you just got hit by a truck"

"Okay that was one time, and you know that truck literally came out of nowhere. I was running pass the alley and then BAM."

"If Peter hadn't of been with you, you would have been seriously hurt or worse"

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