Saiki K Presents: Nendou (and Kaidou... and the Real Conclusion)... Part 4 of 4

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My name is Kusuo Saiki, and I was born with psychic powers. Of course, not even my abilities were enough to prevent this terrible "Nendou's in Jail" plotline from staying far beyond its welcome. It's time for the actual conclusion. I'm tired and haven't had any coffee jelly today, so I'm not in a great mood. Keep reading if you're interested. If not, I don't blame you.

(dancing around SAIKI)
Buddy, buddy, buddy!... I just got outta jail! I'm a free man!... Woooooo!... Buddy, I'm a free man!... (dancing around)... Did you hear me?

[Yes. I heard].

(grabbing SAIKI and hugging him, while SAIKI stands there stiffly)
Oh yeah? How'd ya hear?... Through the grapevine?... Through the rumor mill?...

[You've been yelling about it for the past fifteen minutes].

(releasing SAIKI and laughing)
True, true, very true, buddy!... I'm a free man! Wooooooooo!.... Free, free, free! (still dancing around and waving his arms)

[This is embarrassing... and it's giving me a headache].

(laughing loudly)
Everybody come see the FREE MAN!... Free as a bird!... Free as free can be!... Free as a box of Mr. Chicken!... You know, when your stuff costs 777 yen at the convenience store, and you get a special prize!

[That was you, Nendou. Nobody else gives boxes of Mr. Chicken away for free.... And besides, it's not that type of "free" anyhow].

(ignoring SAIKI, growing louder, and falling to the ground on his back to make angels in the dirt)
Free... Free... FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!  (waving his arms)

[Keep your voice down. All this yelling is drawing a crowd].

Within minutes, there were dozens of PK Academy uniforms surrounding us, guys and girls alike watching Nendou and his antics. There was laughter, pointing, and students still gossiping about the milkshake Nendou and I shared at the maid cafe.... What a pain.

(jumping up and grabbing SAIKI again, softening his voice to an excited whisper)
OK, buddy!... I'm a free man!... Free, free, free!... Wooooooo!

[That's not any better].

(speaking at a normal volume)
Welp, I think that's enough celebrating for one day. (yelling at the crowd) Show's over, people!... Get back to class! And don't worry! I'll be celebrating again tomorrow.

[Thanks for the warning. Just make sure I'm not within earshot].

The crowd dispersed after that. Nendou laughed and gave me a swift slap on the back. I wasn't amused. The last thing I wanted was more attention, but of course students would be talking about Nendou's obnoxious celebration for days. Maybe they'll forget that I was ever involved.... Wishful thinking, I know.

(putting his arm around SAIKI)
So buddy, now that everybody's gone.... (looking left and right)... Wanna hear how I got out?

[If I say "yes," will you leave me alone after that]?

(jumping in front of SAIKI and NENDOU while "Judgment Knights of Thunder" plays in the background)
I'll tell you how!... It was none other than the heroism of THE JET BLACK WINGS!

It was?... and where'd you come from, Mr. Shrimp?

(putting his hand over his face, covering most of it, peeking out with one eye)
Yes, my friend!... and that's the JET BLACK WINGS to you!... I'll tell you exactly what happened... Listen carefully... It was a dark and stormy night...

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