Callback from Episode 1: Nendou is a Moron

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My name is Kusuo Saiki, and I was born with psychic powers. I hope you understand this already, because I've been featured in many, MANY stories, and I introduce myself that way every time. It's really redundant, but I do it so that people know that it's not Kaidou or Toritsuka or one of those other idiots narrating. Still, at this point, if you don't know that I'm psychic, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe go read something else? I honestly don't care. As you can see, I'm in a terrible mood. It's yet another weekend ruined by social convention. My dad is away on business (probably plagiarizing NARUTO or something similar), and since we're not doing something as a family, my mom insists that I spend time with my friends. I'd rather be alone in my room doing anything else besides interacting with other humans. Of course, right on cue, there's the doorbell. It's Nendou...

(sitting on the couch and jumping up)
Oh, there's the doorbell!... I hope it's one of Kuu's friends!

(yelling from the front porch)
Hey, Buddy!..... (talking to himself as he continually pushes the button for the doorbell) Is this thing working?... Hey, Buddy!... Buddy, Buddy, Buddy!

(still laying in bed, staring at the ceiling)
[Just ignore it, Mom. Please. For me. For your son. For your favorite --]

(opening the door slowly and peaking from behind it)
Hello?... Oh!... It's Kusuo's friend!... (gently scolding NENDOU in a motherly way) Riki Nendou, you didn't need to ring the doorbell that many times!

Oh, sorry!... Hey, Saiki didn't tell me he had a sister!... Well, wait, yes he did -- that cute nerdy Kuriko chick, but you're not her!... You must be his other sister!

(still laying in bed)
[She's not my sister, you moron. Didn't we go through this already?...]

(blushing and smiling)
Oh, Riki Nendou -- such flattery! I wont' stand for it. (almost giggling)

(confused, then upset)
Flattery?!.. Wait!... I didn't call you that! I'd never insult you like that!

(still laying in bed)
[Leave it to Nendou to not even know what "flattery" means].

(waving NENDOU into the house)
Oh you kidder!... Come in, come in. Have a seat. I'll get Kuu. He'll be excited to see you.

(walking in hesitantly)
Well, OK.... but I'm here to see Saiki, not this Kuu guy you're talking about.

(still laying in bed)
[I'm not getting out of bed until Nendou actually says something intelligent].

(slapping NENDOU on the arm)
Oh, you big silly!.... I'm talking about Kusuo. I call him Kuu. That's my nickname for him.

(still confused)
OK that's nice and all, but I really just want to see Saiki if he's home. Is Kusuo his brother?...

(still laying in bed)
[For crying out loud... At this rate, I'm never getting out of bed].

(waving NENDOU into the living room)
Oh goodness! Is this some sort of a prank, mister?.... I'm going upstairs to get my son -- Kusuo Saiki -- so just wait right here, OK?... (then stopping and turning back) Would you like some refreshment while you wait? A cup of tea? Coffee?

(sitting on the couch)
Well as long as I get to see Saiki, I suppose I'll hang out with this Kusuo guy.... and yeah, tea or coffee or something like that would be great.

(still laying in bed, slightly agitated)
[You know what?... If he thinks he's meeting my brother, I might as well send a clone in my place. I don't even care which one. If it causes mayhem, what's the difference? It's Nendou].

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