014. wishes come true

Start from the beginning

"Bigfoot." Larissa immediately answers.

"That, uh... is a big foot." Sam comments.

"Okay." Dean mutters. They follow the tracks to a liquor store that got broken into.

"So, what? Bigfoot breaks into a liquor store, jonesing for some hooch? Amaretto and Irish cream? He's a girl drunk." Dean says as the look around the store.

"Hey. Check this out." The other two walk over to Sam.

"He took the whole porno rack?"

"Well, at least we know him and Dean would get along." Larissa says. Sam snickers as Dean glares at her and she sweetly smiles at the older brother.

"Well, I'll say it again. What the hell is going on in this town?" Dean asks.

They go outside, sitting on a bench.

"I got nothing." Dean says.

"It's got to be a joke, right? Some big ass motherfucker in a gorilla suit?" Sam asks.

"Or it's a Bigfoot. You know, and he's some kind of an alcoholo-porno addict. Kind of like a deep woods Duchovny." Dean says.

A girl rides by on a bike and a magazine falls from her basket. Larissa looks at it, seeing it's a porno mag.

"A little young for Busty Asian beauties." Dean comments.

The girl drops off a box full of alcohol and pornos with a sorry note at the back door of the liquor store. She rides off on her bike and the brothers share a look.

"You're gonna follow a little girl home?" Larissa asks.

"You know you are too." Dean says.

~ ~ ~

They follow the girl to her house and Dean knocks on the door.

"What's this, like a Harry and the Hendersons deal?" Dean asks.

"Hello?" Audrey answers the door.

"Hello! Um, could we... you know what? Are your parents home?" Sam asks.

"Nope." Audrey answers.

"No." Sam mumbles.

"No. Um... have you seen a really, really furry--"

"Is he in trouble?" Audrey asks, cutting Dean off.

"No." Sam chuckles. "No, no, no. Not at all. We just-- we wanted to make sure he was okay."

"Exactly." Dean says.

"Yeah." Larissa nods.

"He's my teddy bear. I think he's sick." Audrey says.

"Wow. Uh... amazing. Cause you know what? We... are, uh... teddy bear doctors." Dean says. The three showing her their badges, Sam excitedly waving his around.

"Really? Can you please take a look at him?" Audrey asks.

"Sure." Sam nods.

"Absolutely." Larissa kindly smiles at her.

Audrey leads them inside and upstairs to a shut door.

"He's in my bedroom. He's pretty grumpy." Audrey says and she knocks on the door. "Teddy? There's some nice doctors here to see you." She opens the door, a large teddy bear sitting in an arm chair and watching the TV.

"Close the fucking door!" Teddy shouts and Audrey shuts the door. The three hunters stare in shock.

"See what I mean?" Audrey asks.

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