♣️ ~ I've Tried And Tried A Million Times ~ ♣️

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The ride to Busan seemed so shorter than it was, feeling like twenty minutes even if it were nearly four hours

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The ride to Busan seemed so shorter than it was, feeling like twenty minutes even if it were nearly four hours. 

Felix had awoken earlier than the other two, glancing around him, spotting Hwanwoong halfway to sliding on the floor, snoring soundly with a blanket around him. Leedo was sitting upright on the seat, the blanket fallen off to his lap as he leaned back and slept. 

The driver glances back at him from the mirror, giving a small salute good naturedly before focusing on the road again. Felix gives a nod back, blinking slowly to get used to the rocking of the van. The sun is just rising over the horizon, and they were driving through a deserted road heading to town. 

He grabs his belongings from the floor next to the seat, taking out a mini-toothpaste and brush sachet. He walks towards the dark grey wall of the van next to the seats, pressing a black button, which reveals a small washroom, with the basic necessities. He heads in to freshen up, and by the time he's out, Leedo stirs in his seat, opening his eyes to look at him. Felix greets him quietly, the air awkward and quiet as Felix sits back down, rummaging through his bag for a set of clothes to change to. 

He swallows thickly, fumbling through his belongings longer than he needed to out of pure nervousness when he feels a pair of eyes on his back, and when he glances back, he sees the blonde man's eyes digging into his soul, an empty look on his own face. 

Felix knows why, he remembers quite well what had happened the night before, before he lost consciousness. He remembers hyperventilating, anxiety and trauma causing him to do so, before Leedo had abruptly shoved a chloroform napkin on his face to knock him out. 

"We'll be arriving in about thirty to forty minutes." The driver calls from the front, and Leedo nods in his direction, stretching his arms. Felix takes the chance when he isn't staring to grab his clothes and get into the washroom once again. 

What have you done. He thinks once he's inside, his clothes clutched close to his chest, his heart pounding and breath cut short. 

Almost revealing something like that, idiot. What if they abandoned you, just like your own fa— Felix whimpers at the thought, covering his mouth and trying to calm down. No, not now. He couldn't begin panicking now. 

Trying to divert his thoughts, he grabbed his clothes and undressed, slipping into his new black wear. He had chosen this set, and Olivia had approved with a surprised look. To be fair, she had reason to be surprised, it was a little more feminine that his usual get up. 

He had chosen a black cropped turtle-neck, with silver belts adorning the chest of it. The top was cut quite higher, exposing his waist and abs. Black leather skinny pants, that hugged his legs in the right way, and provided much more comfortability to run around. Black combat boots made him look slightly taller, and he examined himself in the mirror. He had one last part to it thought, and he takes the black leather coat hanging beside him, putting it on. He doesn't button it up, letting it reveal much as it possibly could. 

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