We both sit in an unnerving silence. I look down as I pick the skin around my nail.

"Leave, I want to sleep." I sigh.

"Eliza, I can't pretend like nothing just happened."

"But you can pretend you didn't just degrade me a few moments ago." I retort, my voice quiet, but still holding venom.

Ezra's demeanour changes, "Is it my fault you were galavanting around with the one person I despise?"

"Ezra, now is not the time for your ego battle." Elijah chastises harshly.

"And is it mine, that you labelled me based on your own groundless accusations?"

"Well, tell me then, were not just with Jasper?" His frown deepens.

"Ezra, knowing pieces of information here and there, doesn't mean you are aware of the full truth." I stand up, loosing my balance immediately as the blood rushes to my head. Elijah rises with me, holding me still, so I don't fall.

"Where were you? When I needed both of you, both of you had left me. I told you both that I didn't want to be alone today, and you still left me. And even then I was understanding, I thought you guys were probably having a hard time and left to go be alone. But no. You went to party, to get drunk and God knows what else. That was clearly your priority when I asked you to stay with me. And you have the audacity to come to me and complain that I was wrong for trying to find comfort from someone who was there to offer it. At least Jasper doesn't make promises he cant keep!"

I was angry, despite feeling tired I felt the need to let go of everything I had bottled. The tears in my eyes once again resurfaced, cascading down my cheeks.

"Why can't you for once ever try to understand me. You're so quick to condemning me or brushing me off. And don't think I don't know that the both of you keep secrets from me. So why can't I? Why do you, the person who never shares anything to me, feel so entitled to my secrets?! You never told me what was so bad about Jasper, you assumed I would just go along with what you said. I am my own person Ezra, I do what I want." I shake my head, lowering my voice, "I thought at least you would be here to listen to me. But I don't know you. Not anymore."

If I tell him the whole truth now, his rage towards Jasper would escalate. It is better to keep this to myself, a secret between the two of us and no one else. My anger towards Jasper does not have to reflect onto my twin, otherwise everything I have built, every thought, emotion I have stored away to keep peace in this family will fall.

"Now leave my room, I want to be alone."

Ezra gives me a hard look, before turning to leave.

"He doesn't mean it you know?" Elijah says softly as he walks me to my bed.

"Doesn't change the fact that he still said it." I mumble.

"He's worried, he doesn't know how to express it," Elijah swallows, "Izzy, Jasper is not good company, he will hurt you in the end, and Ezra is trying to steer you away from it."

"By calling me a slut?"

"No, that was wrong, and don't think I will let him get away with that either." He takes a deep breath in, his eyes roaming the room, "I can't guarantee he will be nice about you meeting Jasper, but right now, Eliza, he's trying. He doesn't know how to control his emotions, and I know, you know that best."

He looks at me, "But don't take this as me telling you to forgive him and let him go for what he said, you do that a lot already. You let people take advantage of your kindness, not knowing it comes from your greatest fears, and then they fuck you over."

"Nobody's taken advantage of me Eli." I counter back.

"You're telling me Jasper hasn't once used your vulnerability against you, he hasn't once done something that used your love and protection of Ezra to threaten you?" He retorts, his eyes holding slight rage, "You said it yourself, Ezra expects you to go along with his wishes without explaining anything, that's taking advantage of you."

He was right.

Jasper knew from day one I wouldn't hurt anyone, not after dad. And still he had taken me to that ring, knowing how I feel about Ezra, only to use my love for Ezra against me. He threatened me with that fact, to keep me in line so his bullshit ego didn't suffer. I gave him chances, and he still repeated to hurt me. He destroyed the one thing I needed.

The one thing I had left.

"You're so forgiving, and I don't understand how you don't have it in you to hurt other people, not even in the slightest." He uses the pad of his thumb to rub my hair slowly, "But know this, if anyone, anyone, hurts you, I will be first in the fucking line to pay them back three times as hard, because I know you won't."

"I love you Elijah." I hug hum tightly.

"I love you too Ellie." He kisses me on my forehead.

His words bring tears to pool in my eyes. Those exact words were something my dad used to tell me.

I love you so much, Ellie.

And hearing them again, after everything that happened felt like I was maybe a millimetre closer to him.


Hey guys,

This certainly was a rollercoaster of a chapter, but fear not, things will get better, it will take time though! Eliza's bottled her emotions up so much, she's forgotten what it's like to confide in people. Her mind is set on not being a nuisance and ignoring the pain that grows in her heart, so eventually, after keeping these emotions away, they kinda blow. But in future chapters, we will see a change in her thoughts and actions!

Anyway, stay tuned for the next chapter and please don't forget to vote for this one!

Thank you,

Elle x

QUESTION: Who's your favourite character so far?

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