35. Max and Vee!

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Today max and I decided to go out, only two of us. Elliot also wanted to join, I would have complied but one look from Max and I zipped my lips.

"I am sorry Elliott" I gave him a sorry look and then we both were out.

"We are going on that?" I asked him when I saw a motorbike infront of us. It looks so freaking beautiful if that even how you describe a bike!

"Yes" he said and then whispered.

"It's Asher's and we ate stealing it for the day" he said and I looked at him with wide eyes. Then cane Asher voice from behind.

"Touch that and I will break your hands Max" said Asher from the balcony.

"Let's go" he said and we both sat on the bed and looked at Asher who was glaring at both of us. We both gave him a smirk and then we were off.

It was thrilling, I know Asher would have our heads for what we have done bit for now I want want love in the moment.

We spend whole day riding the bikes, he even took me to his parents grave. I have always seen him happy and laughing but today I seen another side of him. He was sad, when he put the flowers on their graves, I even I saw tears on his cheeks. And I thought about my mother's grave, I had tried to meet her but everytime the fear of facing Marco again back me down. I had heard that Marco was jailed for my mother's murder but after few days he was free just like that. They set him free!

But now that he is here, I could go visit her grave. Me and Elliott, both of us can go. She would be happy to see him! I sighed

"Mom Dad meet my best friend Vienna but you can call her Vee....." He introduced me to them and continued his speech while I smiled at him and sometimes laugh at his stories. I think he is coming back to his old self.

"You miss them?" I asked when we were walking back.

"Yes I miss them everyday, they were the best parents anyone could have. We were a happy family of three but one fucking accident took them from me ans I was left to fed for myself. And you know who saved me from myself?" He said with a smile.

"Both Asher and Elliot, they found me when I was on the brink of dead. Beaten by some goons whom I was debted to, they saved me that day and took me in as their own. From that day I got what I had lost years ago. A family!" He smiled and I gave him a hug.

"Okay that's enough emotional drama for today, let's go back. We have any angry Lion waiting for us back at home" he winked and I chuckled.

As we reached informt of the house, max ushered me to go in as he went to park the bike in the garage. I was being sneaky not to get caught by Asher because I know he would be angry. I opened the door quietly and tiptoed in but stopped when I hears Asher loud voice

"It's out of question, I won't put her life in danger" he said loudly.

"You want the information and there is only one way to do that" said Tyler.

"We know we don't have other options but I won't use my sister for that" said Elliott. Are they talking about me?

"But Tyler's idea is not that bad and we know that Ian won't hurt her, he loves her" John piped in, now I was interested in knowing what they are talking about.

"She just had to earn his trust so he would let her in and then she would get all the needed information. The information that we would use against Ian" said Tyler.

"You are saying as if its that easy. Ian is a very smart man, he won't easily trust her. And that kind of information must be stored somewhere secretive. There's a reason we couldn't get to him form last few years" said Asher and I can sense distress in his voice. I know how much he wanted to avenge his father.

"Vee what are you..." Max said from behind me and I sshed him hut it was too late as now the guys were looking at us. I stepped out from behind the pillar I was hiding. 

"Hello guys!" I waved at them awkwardly.

"We just came back" I said and gave a look to Max who looked confuse for a moment then shrugged.

"How fucking dare you touch my bike without my permission?" And that was it, Asher stepped towrads us with rage. Max used me as a shield as he hid behind me. My best friend! I scoffed.

"It wasn't me, he took me with me. I swear" I said as he stood infront of me glaring at both of us.

"You are suppose to protect me" he whispered from behind.

"And who is suppose to protect me?" I glared back at him.

"He won't do anything to you" he stated as a matter of fact.

"Yeah sure" I huffed and looked at Asher. He was looking at me now what I seem to be soft look.

"Go to your room" he said with a sigh.

"Okay" I smile a little but as Max was about to walk with me he held him by his neck and pull him towards him, then to his garage

"You are going to clean my bike now, I don't want even a speck of dirt on it" I could hear his stern voice and I only smiled at his punishment. Everyone loves Max as much as they don't say it but anyone can see it.

I went to Elliot and stood infront of him.

"Elliot!" I was serious now as he looked at me with a frown.

"I want to meet Mr Davis" I said and he sighed.

"Are you sure?" He said and I nodded. I want to ask him so many questions, why he let me go? Why he let my mother go? Why didn't he tried to find us? All these Why and much more!

"Then I want to visit our mom's grave" I whispered lightly and I can see pain in Elliott's eye. As he nodded!

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