23. Her brother

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"My sister" he said with a sad smile. I can clearly see how much he loves his sister by the look in his eyes.

"Where is she now?" I asked him out of pure curiosity, his eyes glistened a little but then he looked away.

"I don't know, I tired to find her but it's like she disappeared. My dad believes that she is dead but my heart doesn't want to accept it" he said.

"I am sure she is somewhere in the world, waiting for you" I said with a smile trying to comfort him and he smiled back as if he wanted to hear that from someone.

"Tell me about her" I asked him trying to lighten you his mood.

"She was a little Ray of sunshine, I was 7 years older than her. I still remember when I first saw her and the first thing I noticed were her big eyes looking at me and I instantly knew that I would be the best big brother to her, that I will always keep her safe but..." He sighed sadly.

"I lost her when she was 6 and since then I have never seen her" he told me.

"My mother left with her when dad and I were out, we came to empty house and a letter with divorce papers. My mother ran away leaving me and my dad." He scoffed.

"I know she didn't like my dad's lifestyle, they would always have fights. My dad was in mafia, he killed for living and my mother doesn't wanted this life for her kids. My father trained me from a young age so I was too deep in it. My sister was only 6 at that time so she took her with her to never come back. Dad tried to find her but she vanished. I was angry with my father for years, I still am eventhough he have changed his lifestyle but he was too late. Sometimes I don't blame my mother she did what was best for my sister." He said looking at the sky.

"Hopefully she is living a good and safe life away from the dangers that we face everyday. We could have not given a normal life if she was with us at least now she is out there loving her life like a normal girl away from guns and trouble" he smiled a little.

"What ... what was your mother name?" I asked my voice quivering. He looked at me a little frown marring his features.

"Meredith Davis" he said and I gasped.

"What is your father name?" I asked and he was more confused now but still answered.

"Leonard Davis" he said and I stood up from there.

"I have.. to go. Good night" I ran away from there as fast as possible. No that can be a coincidence, right?

Once I was inside my room, I was a panting mess. I jogged towards my closet in haste and looked for the wooden box. I took it and sat on my bed as I opened it. I saw a my childhood things, my hair pins and my baby photos. My mother's wedding ring, her locket and a very fancy hair clip which she told me was a family heirloom which my grandmother gave it to her on her wedding. There was an envelop still sealed after all these years, I was still unopened. I was never able to open it, I just didn't want to go back to my father. I thought that he left her but in reality it was my mother who left them whatever the reasons were.

I hold the envelope in my shaky fingers opening it. There was a letter and few pics inside it. I first grabbed the letter which was handwritten by my mother.

"Dear Vienna,

My beautiful babygirl, you are the most precious thing in my life. If you are reading this letter than it means I am dead. I knew that one day will come when I will leave you alone and for that day I am writing this letter because I want to tell you that you are not alone baby. You have a family a father and a brother. I know you don't remember them much beacuse you were 6 when we left them and that was my biggest mistake for leaving them.

I thought that I am doing you good by taking you out of that life where you would always have to look at your back. I wanted to take your brother with us too but I knew that he is the heir to your father's Mafia and he would do everything to gey him back. I only requested him one thing to let me leave with you and he accepted. He knew that I wasn't happy with him so he let me go.

Then I found Marco I thought he is a nice guy and he was. In the beginning he was so loving and caring towards us but then he starting beating us and I knew it that one day he will kill us but I can't run away again. I chose this life for me, I spoiled my life and yours too. I am sorry for that, I am really sorry!

I wanted you to go back to your father but then fear of being alone without you always stopped me from doing that. I know I was being selfish keeping you with me for my own selfishness. But now you can go back to your father and brother and I am sure that they will welcome you with open hands. They are you family, they will take care of you. I am leaving you your fathers address and his name, please go to him!

With love,
Meredith heartman
Your mother❤️

I didn't realize that I was crying, I don't what to think of my mother about my father. My father didn't love me that's why he let me go with mom. He didn't try to stop her from leaving. He only wanted his heir, his son. And my mother, she hid the truth from me all these years. She could have take me back to my father to protect ourselves from Marco and his abuse but she instead chose to stay. What kind of mother she was? She gave up. If my dad was from mafia then he could have saved us from Marco but no she chose to get abuse by him.

I flipped the letter to see the back where my father's name and address is, I don't even know what my father name is because I always go with my mother's surname 'Vienna Heartmen".

There it was his address, here in Edinburgh that much I knew but I never wanted to go to him and now.... I saw his name and I went back to why I opened this letter initially, I gasped at the revelation that would change everything for me.

"Leonard Davis" I read the name and I stilled.

"That ... means..."

"Elliott's my brother" and fresh tears fell from my eyes. I can hate my mother and father for what they did but I can't hate my brother. My family! But am I ready to tell him yet?

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