4. Asher Reed

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I went to the cabinet in my kitchen and took out a first aid box which Andy has given to me, it is unused tho. If I ever get injured, I just wash off the blood and ta da its good as new. But this guy here might need some bandage. I don't even know how to treat a wound but I will try. I looked at the forgotten food placing on the coffee table in the loving room. My food!

I went to him but paused mid way as I saw him discarding his shirt on the ground.

"Hey what do you think you are doing?" I said out loud, he looked at me with hazy eyes.

"I-.. it's dir-ty" he winced in pain. Then I looked at his white shirt or which was once white a with large red stains on it. I glanced at his body they were many bruises and cuts all over his body. There were some old bullet marks on his body too. I looked at him with wide eyes but his eyes were closed again. He will loose his conscious any moment now so I went towards him and start cleaning his wounds starting from face. He opened his eyes when he felt my touch on his face. Our eyes met for an instant but then I looked away. I felt his gaze on me the whole time as I cleaned his face and then looked in the box not knowing what to do next.

"Here!" He said giving me an antiseptic and some cotton. I nodded and dab some antiseptic on the cotton and dabbed it on the cuts on his face. He winced once in a while but not too much. Then I did the same with his upper body. It was difficult for me to touch it but somehow I completed the job. I bandaged the wounds as per his instructions. He had some broken ribs which I can tell because I have gotten one when I was young so I know how it looks.

"All done" I sighed once I was done. I gazed at him and caught him looking at me. It was like he was trying to discover something.

"You can stay here for the night if you want" I said and stood up. I looked at the food and then gave it to him.

"You can have this" I said and turned towards my room.

"You should eat too" he said.

"Don't worry, I had already eaten and you need it more than me" I said and went to my room. I removed my cap and washed my hands took a quick shower and then sprawled on my bed. Roxy also came on my bed and laid in her place.

"Good night roxy" I said and closed my eyes as sleep caught me immediately.
I heard some voices from outside and took out my head from the blanket as I sat up. Is there some thief outside, I thought. I gasped when I remembered yesterday night. It's that guy whom I saved yesterday. I stood up from the bed and looked around the room for roxy but she was no where to be seen. I looked at the door it was closed, I rember closing it at night so how could she go out or if someone opened the door for her. That guy came here when I was asleep. That prick! He must have seen my me without my cap or may be not because my head was under the blanket.

"Arghhh shut up" I said to myself and wore my cap as I went outside. I saw him kneeling on the floor with roxy. He had filled her bowl with food as roxy was happily munching her breakfast.

"Don't touch my Roxy" I said when I saw him petting my cat. He paused and looked at me. That was the first time I looked at him clearly. He was good looking, his coral eyes were so mesmerising. I was busy admiring his beauty as he stood up and softly smiled at me. Oh God he also has dimples on his cheek. My girl mind shrieked! He is the perfect definition of tall, dark and handsome. He must be 6 feet tall or more and me, I am only 5'2. I am looking like a minion infront of him.

"Thank you for saving my life yesterday, kid" he said and I frowned at him calling me a kid but also I was relieved that he still thinks I am a boy. Its not like it matters if he knows I am a girl. Its just I am comfortable when other don't know me. I feel as sense of power when they don't know who I am.

A Beginning To Her EndingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora