11. A crush

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Tyler came with a man who must me in his late 20s and for some reason I couldn't move my gaze away from his face. You know that there are some faces in the world with whom you felt an instant connection and they attract you towards them, that's what happened to me. That man's face was attractive, he wasn't that good looking with fairly average height of 5'8 maybe slightly tanned skin with round glasses on his face giving him much older look.

He greeted all the boys, they all greeted him back with a smile. Max told me that he is their friend and helped then wherever they need medical help. He smiled at me when he sae me, an average smile not something to die for but still I liked that smile.

He kneeled down looking at my feet and then ask my permission before touching it, I only nod at him slowly as an answer. He smiled once again and then observed my feet my moving in different angles, at first I tried to hide my pain but then I couldn't bear it and I winced, he stopped and then told me that I have sprained my ankle and badly injured my muscles by putting pressure on it.

He applied some cream on it and put a compression wrap around it. He told me not to remove it for few days now and avoid applying pressure on it. I only nods, I couldn't make myself to speak. I didn't realize it when we heard a throat clear, everyone looked in that direction my eyes were still on the doctor. I was trying to solve the mystery, why am I getting so attracted towards this man.

"Scott" someone called rather loudly and finally I came out of my daze and frowned in the direction, it was Asher. I glared at him and looked away again at Scott who was saying something to Asher with the same smile. This man never stops smiling? An unconscious smile came on my face seeing him smile.

"Scott you can leave" Asher said out loudly and everyone looked at him including me. Everyone was surprised while I was a little angry.

"Uhmm ... okay" if you feel any pain, take these pain killers, I will come after three days to see it. Until then avoid stairs and moving too much" he told me and I smiled at him. My hand brushed his when I took the painkillers from his hand but I didn't feel any kind of tingles that many girls brag about when they say that they get tingles when they touch their soul mates or lovers. Maybe it's bullshit! I told myself and watch him leaving. I eyes followed until he was nowhere in my line of sight.

Once he was gone I sighed and laid my head back on the couch. Then I looked at everyone and they all were looking at me some with confusion, some with surprise and one particular person with anger. It was max who broke the silence with excitement.

"Oh so you swing that way" he said and my mouth widen at his words. What?

"What the hell! No ... I mean.. no.." I was flustered.

"You like him? Don't you, I have his number! Do you want it?" He said wiggling his brows at me and I shake my head.

"No thank you" I said and looked away.

"Comeon Don't shy" he said.

"Enough" Asher gritted out in anger and sat on the single couch opposite to me.

"I have an offer for you" he told me and all his friends carefully looked at him. As I was about to reject that offer even before listening, he stopped me from saying anything.

"Hear me out first" he said and I closed my mouth rolling my eyes at him.

"Work for me" he said and everyone looked at him mixed emotions, only Max was excited.

"No" was my abrupt answer.

"May I know the reason?" He asked with seriousness.

"I know I am a thief, a harmless one at that. It might given you a wrong impression but let me clear it out for you I am not a murderer or some dangerous criminal and neither am I planning on one so no thank you, I won't work for you" I said, I know they do some shady work and when I asked him about being a criminal he accepted which means he is a criminal. I also saw guns in their hands and they are rich and live in a very secluded place and ...

"Who said I am asking you to work for me as a criminal?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, other guys snicker lightly. Buy he didn't deny that they are murderers which make them more dangerous and I should run away from here but I don't want to. Why? I don't even know myself.

"Then?" I asked with a frown.

"You will help around with the house chores" he said and I glared at him.

"Excuse me, do you think I am some maid or.." I said but he stopped me again.

"Guys will do most of the chores, you will just help them with things when we are busy. We don't have maids here so we all do the house chores and you will help us" he told me and I scoffs.

"Are you serious?" I asked him and then looked at max.

"Is he serious?" I asked max and he nods his head yes. I huffed.

"I will pay you" he said and I stopped and looked at him.

"20 thousand dollars per month" he said and my eyes widen. He is lying? I would not have to steal and also for a week or two I will be on bed rest and I also don't know how to do house chores so I will get most of the help from the boys. It looks like a fair deal to me.

"Okay but I have a condition" I said and he raised his one brow as if to tell me to speak.

"I won't be able to work for two weeks so they would also count in, I mean it would be a paid leave" I said and I saw a little smirk. He nods.

"Here sign these papers" he said and I looked at him a little worried and confused.

"In these papers it is written that you can't quit this job until I make you leave and you are not going to tell anyone about us or anything that happens here. You will keep it a secret and this place as a secret" he said.

"And If you go against it you will have to pay me 5 million dollars" he said nonchalantly and my mouth widen again. 5 million dollars, I haven't seen that much money in my life. How would I...

"What if I don't sign it?" I asked.

"Then we won't have a deal and you can go back to your old life but we all know you don't have a place to live and you can't put you friend in danger so..." He didn't complete his sentence. I know what he is doing but thinking about those 20 thousand dollars I signed the paper with the only thought in my mind that once I will have enough money and want to leave, I will make his life so difficult that he would throw me out with his own will and I will be free without paying 5 million dollars.

I smiled and gave him the papers, for a moment I stopped smiling when I saw a triumphant grin on his face. Did I make a mistake? Then I looked at all the boys face they were silent, confused and a little worried. They were looking at their friend with so many questions but only Elliot seem to know what going in his friends mind because he gave me look filled with pity and left.

Tyler and John also left to make dinner, max starts playing games sitting beside me and Asher he picked the papers and gave me one last glance and went to leave upstairs.

I moved to stand but max stopped me by saying I should stay here for few days until Scott allow me to move upstairs.

"But all my things are in my room and I can't sleep here" I complained, then I sae Asher coming back.

"Take this to my office and put it on the desk" he said and then turned towards me. Without saying anything he picked me up and asked max to pick my bag and take that to my room. I was in shock but then shock wears off and I realized that I am a boy and he is picking me and all his friends were looking at us with shock.

"What the hell are you doing? Place me down" I said.

"Can't you see I am helping you to your room and don't worry you don't weight that much" he told me and I glared at him but I am also grateful that I would be in my room. I huffed and looked away from him.

He placed me on my bed and then went to leave as he was almost out he stopped.

"Sorry" no other words just sorry nothing more nothing less. I don't know what he is sorry for, for yelling at me before or for something else. I just shrugged and laid down. Roxie came to me and snuggled into me. I patted her and chuckled at her when she start licking my hands. She was fed, her bowl was at the corner filled with food which one of the boy must have done but which one I don't know.

I take my blanket and put it on both me and roxy as we both went to sleep. It was a very long day!

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