3. Helped

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From andy's place I wandered around the city looking for the best place and best chance for my ..business. I turned around the corner of a road and found myself in a busiest street with a lot of people walking around. I sighed in happiness, heaven for pickpocket. A wide grin came on me face at seeing the sight infront of me. I went in the crowd and merge with them, I walked nonchalantly. I had covered my hairs with a beanie before coming here. Everyone would think I am a boy.

I looked around for some rich, snobbish person. Stealing from this type of person makes me less guilty. As I was walking I saw a man in suit looking down on everyone as if he is above everyone. I saw him pushing a young boy away from his way. Yeah that would be my next target! I said to myself.

I jogged to him and slowed down once I was close. As I was 2 to 3 steps away from him, I bumped into him and doing a quick job of pulling out his wallet.

"Oh so sorry, someone pushed me" I made an innocent face to which he glared at me and cursed under his breath. I turned around and went to an empty alley. I looked around in his wallet and pulled out some dollar bills out and let me tell you there were plenty of them. These days I am getting lucky. It must b 8 to 900 dollars. There were some cards and his I'd card inside it. I threw the wallet in that alley and looks around to see if anyone saw me

"You little brat" a voice said from my behind and I turned around. It was the same wallet guy. My eyes widen and I ran away from there not waiting for a second to look back if he is following me or not. When I was a good distance away from that place I looked behind and I saw no one. I sighed in relief

"That was close" I said to myself.

I then went to a restaurant and ordered some takeout food for me. I don't like sitting alone in the restaurant so I always takeout rather than dine in. I looked at the time while looking at the time on my phone. I had to go grocery shopping before going back to home but looking at the time it was 8 at night. I think I should go back before it's too late, I will do shopping yesterday. I payed for the food and went out towards my home. It would take half an hour to reach home on foot. I don't want to waste money on taxi so I opt to walking.

I reached near my area, leaving the loud voices of people and vehicles. It was silence and darkness everywhere, the only light was coming from few street lamps that were barely working. As I reached near an alley I heard loud grunts and voices. I stopped and peeked from the corner. I gasped when I saw 6 to 7 guys hitting a man who was barely conscious, he was barely breathing and wasn't making any sound as they were beating him to pulp. I winced at the sight. I decided to turn around and go to my home from the other way but some thing in me wasn't letting me to leave him.

'What if he dies?' My inner self asked.

'So what.. so many people die here every other day' I told myself.

'But you haven't witnessed anyone else, you have only heard about it from others. It's your chance to save someone' she said and I groaned in annoyance.

I took out my phone and dialed police number. They picked on the second call I told them that there are some guys beating someone to death but once I tell them about the place. They hanged up on me! Can you believe that they fudging hung up on me. I redial their number but no one picked my calls. I cursed under my breath. I have to do something! I called Andy and he picked up on first ring.

"Andy don't ask anything, call me in about 5 minutes. Okay?" I spit hurriedly and he looked confused but he still said okay.

I take a deep breath and jumped in the alley. They all looked at me.

"Say cheese!" I yelled as I take their photo and send it to Andy instantly.

"What the hell? Who are you kid?" One guy said looking down on me.

"I have send this picture to my friend and I have also called police they would be here any moment now and if you do something to me my friend will send that pic to the police" I said all in one go and they looked a little scared.

"Why would we believe you?" One who I think is their leader stepped towards me but stopped halfway. On queue my phone ringed and I smirked at them. I picked the phone and mouthed 'police's them. They looked at each other with fear.

"Yes I am here, two streets down from where you are" I said to Andy.

"What? Where are you Vienna? Tell me are you in trouble?" He asked alerted.

"No they are still here" I said and then I looked at them some of the guys even two steps back from me and a guy was asking his leader to run away but he was still thinking.

"You will regret it" at last the leader said and they all ran away in other direction.

"I will tell you everything later but for now I gotta go" I said and cut the call. I ran towards that guy who was not even moving now.  He was drenched in blood, his face his hands. I think he tried hard to fight them by those bruised knuckled that I can tell. I checked his pulse, it was slow but still there.

"Come on, wake up. We have to go" I said.

"You s-said p-police will b-be h-here" he said.

"Let me tell you then 'I lied'." I said and he looked at me.

"Now get up" I said pulling him up. His eyes were hazy as if he was drugged. With great difficulty I helped him in standing.

"Come on I don't want to die today, they will soon realize that I lied" I said as he leaned his half weight on me. The only thing running in my mind at that moment was I am going to die today. If not by them then may be by crushing under his weight if he keep putting his whole weight on me. I start walking towards my home direction as he leaned on me.

"You are heavy" I complained, I was panting badly. The food plastic bag was still in my hands, I don't know how.

"I am not, you are j-just to s-small" he said in between his grunts.

"I will throw you here If you come on my height" I glared at him which made him shut.

Finally after 10 long minutes of pulling him with me I stopped infront of my door. I made him lean on the wall and opened the door. He was looking at me with his half closed eyes. I opened the door and pulled him in. I sat him down on the couch and then went to lock the door. I phewed in relief.

Roxy came near my feet and meowed.

"I know I know, I am late. I am sorry" I said and filled her bowl first with water and her food.

I then looked at him by now his eyes were closed. I can't even see his face due to the amount of blood on his face. Its gonna be a long night, what have I gotten myself into! I thought

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