He didn't feel like talking to his sister.
Though he didn't feel like sleeping either.

So it was the alternative.

He sat beside her. They sat in silence for a moment. An awkward and silent moment.

"I overheard your conversation with Sirius..." she sipped on her tea, avoiding eye contact.

"H-How much—"

"All of it. And I understand why you didn't tell us everything about your dream... I just wanted to tell you that you don't have to blame yourself. Because of you, Mister Weasley is safe and gets to continue to live. You saved his life, Harry..."

"I feel like... I'm going mad, Y/n... and Dumbledore won't give me answers. Neither will Sirius. I just want some answers."

"Perhaps they don't have answers, Harry. You're a special case, and I don't mean that offensively. They won't have all the answers, but you can't continue to blame yourself for something you merely witnessed..."

"But the urges, it's not just that..."

"Is this not your first time having dreams like this? Have you had more?"

"It didn't make sense before... but I think now it does... I witnessed an old man dying last year... and again, I was the snake...and I attacked him on the orders of Lord Vol—..him."

Y/n hummed softly in response, sighing gently. "I'm sorry I don't have the answers you seek for... truly, I wish I could tell you all that you want to know."

"It's alright... it's nice to be heard..."

"I'm always willing to listen. Get some rest. We'll be going to St. Mungo's later after lunch." She stood, handing him her teacup as she headed to her shared bedroom with Ginny.

── ──

Lunchtime came round.

Tonks and Moody had joined them to escort them around London. Tonks questioned Harry more and more about his vision whilst everyone else seemed to be quite cheery.

Their trunks from Hogwarts had been sent over during their lunch so everyone changed and was ready to head over to St. Mungo's to visit Arthur.

St. Mungo's was a concealed building within the heart of London. They had arrived outside a large, old-fashioned, red-brick department store called Purge and Dowse Ltd. The place had a shabby, miserable air; the window displays consisted of a few chipped dummies with their wigs askew, standing at random and modelling fashions at least ten years out of date. Large signs on all the dusty doors read: 'Closed for Refurbishment'.

A large women with plastic bags had passed by with her friend, telling her, "it's never open, that place..."

"Right..." Tonks beckoned them towards a window displaying a female dummy. Everyone clustered around her. She leaned up close to the glass, talking ever so quietly.

After she spoke, the dummy gave a tiny nod and beckoned then with a finger. Tonks had seized Ginny and Molly by the elbows and stepped right through the glass, disappearing.

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