011. bittersweet reunions

Start from the beginning

"It's... it's good to see you, boy." Bobby says.

"Yeah, you too." Dean says. "And, you, too, honestly." He tells Larissa. She lightly laughs and hugs Dean tightly which he returns, accepting any sort of unharmful physical contact he can get.

"Holy, shit." Larissa breathes out as the two break apart.

"How did you bust out?" Bobby asks.

"I don't know. I just, uh, I just woke up in a pine box--" Dean's cut off as Bobby splashes him with holy water. Larissa snorts at Dean's reaction.

"I'm not a demon either, you know." He says.

"Sorry. Can't be too careful." Bobby says as Larissa quietly laughs.

~ ~ ~

"But... that don't make a lick of sense." Bobby says after Dean explained how he just woke up. Dean is drying his face with a towel and has a handful of cookies.

"Yeah. Yeah, you're preachin' to the choir." Dean says.

"Dean. Your chest was ribbons, your insides were slop. And you've been buried four months. Even if you could slip out of Hell and back into your meat suit--"

"I know, I should look like a Thriller video reject."

"What do you remember?"

"Not much. I remember I was a hellhound's chew toy, and then... lights out. Then I come to six feet under, that was it." Dean recalls. "Sam's number's not working. He's, uh... he's not..."

"Oh, he's alive. As far as we know." Bobby says.

"Good. Wait, what do you mean, as far as you know?" Dean asks.

"I haven't talked to him for months." Bobby says.

"You're kidding. You just let him go off by himself?" Dean asks.

"He was dead set on it." Bobby says.

"Yeah, trust me, no changing his mind." Larissa shows a fake smile.

"Bobby, you should've been looking after him." Dean says.

"It's not his fault. Your brother gets very... jackassy in his grieving days." Larissa says.

"I tried. These last months haven't been exactly easy, you know? For him or me. We had to bury you." Bobby says.

"Why did you bury me, anyway?" Dean asks.

"I wanted you salted and burned, usual drill. But Sam wouldn't have it." Bobby says.

"Well, I'm glad he won that one." Dean says.

"He said you'd need a body when he got you back home somehow. That's about all he said." Bobby says.

"What do you mean?" Dean asks.

"He was quiet. Real quiet. Aside from his and Larissa's argument. And then he just took off. Wouldn't return my calls. I tried to find him, but he didn't want to be found." Bobby says.

"Oh, damn it, Sammy." Dean mutters.

"What?" Bobby asks.

"oh, he got me home, okay. But whatever he did, it is bad mojo." Dean says.

"What makes you so sure?"

"You should've seen the grave site. It was like a nuke went off. And then there was this... this force, this presence, I don't know, but it-it blew past me at a fill up joint. And then this." Dean takes his jacket off and pulls his sleeve up to reveal a handprint that's basically branded on his shoulder.

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