'Hello, my name is Debbie and I'm your waitress what can I get you?' The waitress asked. She had long blonde hair that flowed down to the small of her back. She had a bonnie face with a pixie nose. She had a big smile on her face which lightened my mood a little. I looked at the menu and scanned through everything.

'I'll have a chicken salad and a still water.' Aubrey said, she looked at the waitress and she began to jot down her order. When she'd finished she looked up at me.

'Can I have a chicken burger and a coke please.' Unlike Aubrey I know how to use manners, the waitress smiled at me and disappeared to the kitchens.

'So seen as I'm stuck here for the next hour or so. And I'm going this for my best friend. So tell me about her in America. She won't really talk about it. All she talked about was how she missed the ten boys she lived with. And how she missed Jesse. Well, how she missed you.' She said. She rested her elbows on the table and rested her head on her hands. She actually looked like she was interested.

'Where do I start? So much happened.' I said thinking the whole story in my head and all the events that happened. From her walking our house and having to great her to get breakfast, to saying I love her in Milan, to her being hit by the car to save me and then her boarding the plane.

'Start at the beginning. She only tells us things in the least amount of detail and skips things before she has to run out of the room to fix her 'allergy's'' Aubrey said using air quotes around allergy's. I let out a chuckle and then began to explain.

'My mum made us all come downstairs and greet her. Then we got pancakes, the minute I saw her I fell for her, she made my heart skip a beat. But I saw the look on my brothers face, Kade. He felt what I felt and I knew I'd have to fight for her. That night at dinner Kade text everyone saying he called dibbs on her, and it pissed me off so much. The fact I didn't think of it first, and because he thinks he can say a girl belongs to him. We got closer of the course of a few day s and then we were playing in the games room, she bet me $10 that she could beat me at Mario kart, I think. She won and I wouldn't pay up so we began to play fight.' I chuckled as the scene unfolded in my head. 'She fell on me and we kissed, a lot. Then Kade came in and was pissed off.' My voice died off as I thought of her and Kade together.

'She told me about when she was with Kade. She was comparing how you treated her to how Kade treated her. I have to say you treated her way better! She also told me about Milan, the triple date on the yacht, something about the worse party ever and the night she snuck out with you.' Aubrey wiggled her eyebrows at me and I chuckled. 'She wouldn't tell me what happened at any of them apart from the night you snuck out. She told me you camped in the back of a pick-up. She won't talk about the party without crying. So tell me about the Yacht. What did you do?' She asked truly intrigued.

'We triple dated with my brothers and there girlfriends. Amy and Aaron, Jade and Kade. It wasn't the best idea bring Kade and Jade. Jade and Eden couldn't stand each other, and it made things awkward. But princess brightened the night up. We had a really random meal on the deck and then we danced on the deck. My brother Aaron took a picture and I gave it to her on Christmas eve when we where in Milan.' I smiled remembering everything and I really want to go back to then. Everything was so much simpler and Eden was mine and no one else's. I sighed and buried my face in my hands.

Throughout dinner we talked about the other dates, even when I took her ice skating at seven in the morning. She seemed quite interested in that date. Aubrey kept giggling at our dates and the things we got up to. She listened well and asked me loads of questions.

My life as a Bolton BoyWhere stories live. Discover now