The World Keeps Spinning; Forks Washington

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New Messages:

Lydia McDammmn Girl:

Happy Birthday!

Legal n ready to tear it up!!

Tattoos n smokes! The world aint ready for u girl.

Luv u xoxo 🥳

Turn yo Ass around:

Happy happy birthday!!

They let anybody be legal these days lol 

turn up n have a blast 🧁

Damon Bestie:

Birthday girl!

This next yr is gonna b the best yet!

Couldn't have asked the universe for a better friend to drop in my lap

Love u like the sister i wish Turn was haha


Aaron McBitch:

Dee Dee! The big 1-8!!

Have fun tonight

Drop that ass so low ur stuck in bed 4 daysss


Bestie Bear <3:


Its ur b-day so ill let it slide but 2morrow

Rematch at my house

I will find u

Luv ya squirt 💙

Alice 🧚:

This will be your favorite Birthday

So enjoy it <3


Happy Birthday 🥳

I'm so proud of the woman you have become

Keep that wild streak. You got it from your mom

Love you to the moon & back 💛

"Sit down Bambi!" Scarlett pushed Bella's shoulders down into the chair in front of the vanity. "I wish you wouldn't call me that." She muttered shifting her booted leg to the side. Scarlett blew a puff of air to get a stray strand of hair that wouldn't fit into her bun out of her face. "You won't be ready in time if I don't start your hair now." She started brushing her hair, a small smile on her face because Bella was actually in a dress, and she was going to Prom despite the bogus excuse that she gave Newton all those weeks ago.

"Are you sure about this? I don't have to go. It's your birthday today. I should be spending it with you." Scarlett's eyes softened and she met Bella's gaze in the mirror. "We did spend time together." She had slept over the Swan house the night before and they binge watched two sentence horror stories on Netflix. They made cookies and painted each other's nails and this morning they went for breakfast at the diner. They had even spent some time at the Cullen house, and she was able to beat Emmett at one of his video games. It was more than perfect. "Yea but - ow!" Scarlett smirked at the reaction when she yanked her friend's hair.

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