Field trip; The Green House

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"Everyone hand in your permission slips and start getting on the buses!" Mr. Molina had projected his voice over the groups of juniors and seniors hanging about. They were taking a trip to a greenhouse and Scarlett was pumped to get to see some flowers in this cold weather. Back in Georgia she often helped her Momma with the gardening and had a pretty damn green thumb when she put her mind to it. It was how she kept the Honeysuckles alive and thriving even after the long trip here and even in less than desirable conditions.

"She lives!" Scarlett flinched before she could even catch that she was doing it. Her body was fried from lack of sleep, but she still forced a smile at Mike, and he seemed either completely unbothered or unaware of her reaction to him. Bella stepped closer, arm brushing against hers in comfort. "Everyone's talking about what you did. Pushing Bella out of the way of Tyler's van. Totally Epic."

"Right Epic." she muttered under her breath and for once Bella took the lead. "Yea she's a hero. Did you need something?" He looked a bit taken back with how forward she was being. "Well, I'm kinda glad she saved your life and you're not dead – cause well that would've sucked. Plus, I wanted to ask you – even though it's a month away. If you'd want to go- To prom with me that is. If no one else has asked you." This was painful and Scarlett was aware that Bella had completely drifted away from the conversation mentally.

Scarlett nudged her in her side because she was getting secondhand embarrassment from Mike who for sure could not read a room if he was asking Bella to Prom. "So what do you think?" He asked Bella again, and the silence was deafening but to his credit he still tried. "You want to go to prom? With me?" Bella froze on the spot. It was something that Scarlett was getting used to her doing and luckily Scarlett already knew her friend's stance on prom. "She's away that weekend." She offered and Bella shot her a grateful look.

"Yea, I'm going to Jacksonville." Mike furrowed his brow. "You can't go another weekend." Scarlett scoffed but luckily it seemed the two were none the wiser of her sound effects. "Non-refundable ticket. Sorry. Maybe you should ask Jessica." He glanced over at the girl in question and Scarlett took this opportunity to grab Bella's arm and pull her away toward the busses. "Thank you." She said in a rushed tone.

"That's twice I saved your life." She teased getting a classic Bella eye roll. "Come on before all the seats get taken and you have to sit next to Jessica." Scarlett made a puking gesture as they moved onto the bus. It wasn't the longest trip, and she was glad to be out doing something, anything was better than being cooped up in the house. "Hey Dee!" Lydia and Turner had taken the seat behind the two of them.

"My girl." Scarlett said, turning and putting her knees on the seat. With her hand out, she and Lydia smacked their hands back and forth before fist bumping, then pulling back with mock explosions before coming back together, wiggling their fingers between each other.

"I don't know how you watch scary movies. I couldn't sleep for two days after movie night." Turner said with a small shiver. "That's because you're a baby." Lydia said, pinching his cheeks for added effect. He swatted her hand away affectionately before poking her forehead. As far as Scarlett was concerned, they were OTP and no one would convince her otherwise. She better be invited to the damn wedding.

When they were at the greenhouse Bella and Scarlett stuck close together as they got off, but she could see her friend glancing at Edward from time to time. Moving inside Mr. Molina started showing them compost tea and she was in another world, totally in her element. "Can we take this home? For our own plants?" She asked the teacher and he looked at her with pride, telling her exactly how she could go about making it at home and how it was better for her to compost her trash as much as she could.

"Hey, do you mind –" Bella started whispering in her ear, eyes cutting over to the Cullen she was watching. "Mission 21 Questions is a go, hurry." Scarlett said practically pushing her in Edward's direction, luckily the girl didn't trip. It was now or never; it was the first time during the trip Jasper and Alice weren't by his side and they weren't sure they were going to get another opportunity.

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