Meet the Cullens

147 7 9

Be there in 10


Mind the speed limit

Anything for you


Scarlett was ready before she got Jasper's ETA text. She had some dark jeans tucked into her boots. A black lace cami under a green and black plaid shirt she had left unbuttoned. Her hair was in soft waves that bounced as she took the stairs down from her bedroom. "He's almost here." She said, walking into the living room.

Brian looked up from the couch with a boyish grin on his face. "Seriously Brian?" She said looking over all the cleaning tools laid out on the coffee table for the shotgun in his hand. "What? I clean her every week." She blanched and crossed her arms over her chest. "You're not fooling me Sir." He at least had the decency to look sheepishly at his step-daughter but he would not apologize for making sure this boy knew exactly what he was getting himself into.

The doorbell rang and Scarlett moved to open it. She couldn't remember not seeing him look perfect, this time was no different. "Hi." She said softly. He smiled down at her, "Hello darlin'." She moved to the side to let him in and he kissed her quickly on the side of the head as he passed. "Brian is in the living room. This way." She closed the door and led him toward the left. The moment they entered there was a snap of the barrel going back into place and Scarlett rolled her eyes. This man.

"Hello Mr. Hartigan. I'm Jasper." He stuck out his hand and Scarlett smirked at the look on her stepfather's face when Jazz introduced himself. There was a moment of hesitation before he reached forward and shook his hand. "Jasper as in the Jasper who saved Dee from that van?"

Jasper glanced at Scarlett unsure exactly how to navigate through this conversation and so she took the lead. "The one and only." She beamed a smile and Jasper's shoulders relaxed some. "Well I guess I should be thanking you then." The older man started rubbing the back of his neck, a habit he always had when he was caught off guard.

"I was happy to do it and I'd do it again. In a heartbeat." Apparently it was getting very hot in the damn living room. Scarlett could feel her cheeks start to flush. "I better not keep you two." Brian walked around the table and kissed his stepdaughter's cheek. "Have fun and be safe." He said giving Jasper another once over. "Always." She said before she headed back to the mud room with Jazz on her trail. She grabbed her leather jacket and bag before they walked out the door.

"Wow." She said walking up to the hunter green chevy impala. She walked completely around the car to get a good look at it. "You like?" He asked, leaning against the passenger side as she inspected. "It's a 1967. Shit, it's a classic." She stopped when she went full circle and was back in front of Jasper who had a look of surprise on his face.

"You want it?" He asked while he opened the door so she could get inside. "Pft, Yea okay." Two blinks and he was opening the drivers side and getting in. "If you want it it's yours." He repeated as he turned on the car. After the click of her seatbelt he pulled onto the road. "I'm not taking a car from you."

"Why not?" Scarlett was dumb struck when she realized he was not joking in the slightest. Her eyes narrowed a bit. "Because it's too much, that's why." How was she supposed to explain to Brian that the guy she sort of started dating gave her an entire car. "Where are we going?" She asked, trying to change the subject but also because she didn't recognize where they were heading. "My house." He answered and she turned her gaze from the window.

"I'd like you to formally meet my family."

"I've already met your family." She wasn't against the idea but she wouldn't be human if she wasn't a little nervous about it all. Most because while she had met his family this time she was meeting them with the knowledge of what they really were. "You haven't met my mother yet."

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