Bella Swan; Clumsy but Sweet

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It didn't take long for Scarlett to get a handle on school. Despite the year of homeschool her junior year as she recovered from the accident, she wasn't behind. She loved to read and learning never deterred her. By the end of the week, it seemed her status of 'new girl' started to dwindle. It helped that she was able to move seamlessly into Damon's group of friends which consisted of the Disciples and Lydia's twin brother Aaron. The four of them were thick as thieves all throughout middle school and high school. They didn't seem to mind making their foursome a fivesome.

It was Friday and for the first time that week Scarlett was early, not late, not on time but actually early and she was able to pull her bike into a spot next to a fading orange pick up. Since the Volvo fiasco on Monday Scarlett had noticed that a decked-out jeep with off roading tires took the Volvo's old spot, the silver car belonging to Eddie now beside it so even if she wanted to, Scar couldn't park her bike in the way out of spite.

Just because she could, and he deserved it. The pompous ass. Scarlett guessed she had to leave it to the universe. It was, after all, the best at dishing out karma in spades.

Taking her helmet off she ran her fingers feverishly through her hair. The number of days she was going to be able to ride was dwindling. It was getting colder as they got closer to winter, luckily the rain had been at a minimum. Something that surprised Brian, but he had mentioned the other morning they were going to have to figure out a schedule with the car. He was looking to get something else but that still hadn't happened yet.

Brian rented a storefront on the main strip. Or well the only strip in town. He opened up a part coffee shop, part bookstore that they had playfully called 'Paper & Cup'. During the week this meant he was out early. Most of the customers at that time were from the hospital staff, officers or teachers looking to start the day with a caffeine fix. Scarlett had tossed an idea about having insomniac hours. Where people who couldn't sleep, much like her, could come for some coffee or sit on one of the couches with a good book. She offered to work during those hours and Brian said he would think about it.

The school parking lot was like a zoo and being early meant that Scar could watch, like a particular underwhelming episode on animal planet. "Hey Georgia baby! What's shakin'?" Scarlett did not want to be part of any episode, but it looked like the gods were forsaking her today. "Leave her alone Eric." A blond said, looping his arm around his friend's neck before his baby blues glanced at her and he let go of Eric immediately.

"I don't think we had a chance to meet. I'm Mike." A small girl practically jumped beside him, apparently, she was the lioness making sure that she was staking claim early on so there were no misunderstandings. "And I'm Jessica." Her voice was fake but at least she was trying to be somewhat polite instead of going for Scarlett's throat right off the bat. "Hi." Scar said, getting off the bike, now that her position as spectator had been blown to shit.

She tensed when Eric put a hand on her shoulder. "This is my home girl Scarlett."

"Your home girl? I thought Bella was your home girl?" Mike said and Scarlett noticed him glancing at a brunette, quiet and leaning against the pickup with a book in her hand, barely even noticing that her name had been said. "I've got a lot of home girls, Mike. Don't look so jealous." Rolling her shoulders so that Eric could let go, her eyes moved toward the school.

"I should probably –"

"Hey Bella!" Jessica had moved her hand in front of the girl's face to get her attention and it worked. "Yea?" She questioned, looking like she was confused at why she was getting interrupted when she was sure they had some more time before the first bell. "Meet the new girl." She said, motioning to Scarlett.

"You're a senior right?" Mike asked and she could only nod. It seemed that small towns meant that she didn't have to explain herself, most people already knew most of the superficial things about her. She wasn't sure if she was impressed and relieved or just downright annoyed. "And you're from Georgia right, not Alaska?" Jess said, in a way that made Scarlett realize she was fishing, not just trying to pretend she was interested.

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