Swing Batter Batter

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"I'm sorry baseball?" Charlie Swan looked between Dr. Cullen's boys and then his daughter and Scarlett who was practically another daughter as it was. "This I'd like to see."

"Seriously." Bella blanched and the others couldn't help but laugh. It was true. Not only was Bella an accident magnet, but apparently she was Forks High's holder of most concussions given out during gym in one school term. Scarlett had already made her a certificate and was going to present her with it at the end of the year. Charlie was less than convinced that's where they were really going but if they were lying then the boys did a hell of a job pulling it off. They had the get up and everything. "Well you kids better get going."

"I'll take good care of Bella, Sir." Charlie made a typical grumpy dad noise before answering, "Yea well see." Jasper and Edward started for the door and the girls were about to follow till Charlie cleared his throat. "You still got that mace I gave you?" He whispered to Bella and Scarlett snorted something awful because even though Jazz and Eddie were outside the house they could hear it all. "Yes." She hissed, thoroughly embarrassed once again.

"Hold on." He moved to one of the kitchen draws and pulled out a canister before coming back and handing it to Scarlett. "This one's for you. Point the nozzle straight and completely arm's length away. Don't let up till it's empty."

"Oh my god." Bella whispered rubbing between her eyes with her hand. "I got it, Chief. Empty the bottle in their damn mug." Scarlett said before dropping it in her bag and giving him a small salute.

"That a girl." He said before using his hands to shoo them away before the boys got suspicious and went to double back for them. Bella grabbed Scarlett's arm and pretty much dragged her out of the house to the jeep outside. Edward was holding open the passenger door with a grin on his face. "Your father hopes Scarlett will handle everything for you, so you don't spray yourself in the face."

"Fantastic." Bella mumbled as she slipped into the seat.

"Watch out Eddie. I'm aiming for the eyes." Scarlett teased as she hopped in the backseat with Jasper. They had only been driving for a few minutes when Jazz spoke. "Stop here." Edward didn't hesitate to pull over on the side of the road. "Where here?" Bella questioned and her boyfriend shook his head. "They are taking the scenic route." He commented which only confused Scarlett further. "Come on Darlin'." Jasper was already out of the car and on her side with the door open before she even unbuckled. "Guess I'll see you guys there." She said with a grin as she hopped out of the car and the Jeep continued on down the road.

"Couldn't wait to get me all alone huh?" She said, wiggling her eyebrows. "Most certainly could not." He kissed her forehead before grabbing her hand and leading her into the woods. "Are we walking to the field?" She asked, content being surrounded by nature with him. "Not exactly." When the street was no longer in view Jasper knelt down, "Get on."

"Like on your back."

"Yes ma'am." Scarlett was not about to turn down a piggyback ride, so she hopped right on. "You'll think we'll get there before the third inning?" He laughed at this, "Little jokester today."

"Do you even know me? I'm funny every day of the week." Her arms were looped around his neck and her legs tight around his waist. "Hold on tight and if you have to, shut your eyes but I don't think you're gonna want to."

"What do you –" She was strapped to a rocket. Her hair blew back, and she tightened her hold so she wouldn't fall off. Her eyes started to water but he was right. She didn't want to close them. She didn't want to miss the trees as they blurred past her. Man, if a bird got in their way it would take her out. Scarlett pressed her cheek on his head, his wild curls tickling her face. This was better than cars, better than her bike even.

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