AP English; Forks High

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"I still can't believe we only have one class together." Damon whined like a child. "Technically we also have gym, but I won't be taking that class and lunch." Scarlett answered, glad that his class was close enough that he could walk her to her next one. He had Spanish and she had AP English. 

After departing from the table of Gods things were uneventful. Damon had asked what she had been doing at the Cullen table and she briefly told him she had met Jasper at Dizzies the other night and was just saying hi to a familiar face. He then went on to tell her that the family didn't talk to anyone outside themselves, and he was shocked they hadn't told her to fuck off.

It sort of felt like they had.

"You good from here?" He asked, green eyes looking for any doubt about leaving her to fend for herself. "It's a high school class. I'm not shipping off to war." If there was one thing she didn't like, it was being coddled. His hands shot up in apology. "Alright, fair enough. I'll catch you later tiger." He said, reaching forward and tussling her hair, quickly to move in case she lashed out at him like she normally did.

"Later loser." Before she could be late, she went into the room, moving to the front of class to hand the teacher the slip she needed signed. He looked down at her through his glasses that hung lazily off his nose. "Good of you to join us Miss. Hartigan."

She couldn't tell if that was a condescending tone in his voice but for his sake, she hoped it wasn't. Scarlett liked English well enough, but a crap teacher could make or break the class. "Why don't you take a seat? Mr. Cullen, can you raise your hand?" Her eyes moved around the room as a bear of a man in the back raised his hand and she moved through the seats before plopping down beside him in the empty chair at the shared desk.

The teacher turned to the board and started writing and Scarlett took a fresh notebook out of her bag and a pen. It didn't take long for the cap of the pen to end up in Scarlett's mouth. She liked the feeling of the plastic crunching between her teeth. "That can't be good for your teeth." She stopped mid chew, eyes moving to the guy beside her.

"Neither is chocolate and coffee but I'm not cutting those out either." She quipped, teeth back to their chewing. A low laugh came from beside her. "I'm Emmett." She gave her pen a break in order to write down a few things in her book. "Nice to formally meet you."

"Sorry about earlier." His tone was sheepish, almost like he meant it and maybe he did.

"About what?" She asked, remembering that he laughed at her joke. There was nothing really for him to be sorry for.

"Family isn't that open to outsiders and well — Jasper isn't great around other people." This caught her attention. Not that their family kept to themselves. Scarlett had seen that before, maybe not on this level but still she could understand it. "He seemed fine when we met." He was more than fine but she wasn't going to bring that up in any detail.

"Oh?" He was fishing and so she gave him a small smile, a smile that said she liked secrets, especially keeping them. "You must be something then." He said, when he realized, she wasn't going to indulge on what happened that night. "I like to think it's my witty charm." She joked.

"Mr. Cullen and Miss. Hartigan. Is there something you'd like to share with the class?" All eyes were on them. Most didn't even care to hide the fact that they had turned in their chairs to get a look at the two. Sometimes Scarlett felt as though teachers liked the drama just as much as the students, maybe even more. It was something to do.

"Just that Emmett thinks I have main character charisma, but I think I'd be a well-liked, sarcastic side character that gets killed about three quarters in and has the readers rioting." A light chuckle started amongst the other students. Emmett snorted a laugh behind his hand. The teacher didn't look very impressed though. "If I had to guess you wouldn't stray past being comic relief in a fluff chapter. With that settled, please pay attention."

This earned Scarlett an elbow to the side, and she had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep herself from laughing along with the burly man beside her. "At least he thinks you're funny." His tone was more hushed than it had been before.

"Maybe funny looking." She whispered back with a grin knowing full well that comic relief was not a complement.

The duo fell into a comfortable silence for the rest of class and soon the bell was ringing, and she was shoving things into her bag, ready to head to the next class. Exiting the room, she caught Emmett weaving passed a few students to catch up to her. "Getting called out by the teacher on your first day has serious MC vibes." His grin was infectious, and Scarlett didn't understand why Damon had told her they were all anti-social and only talked to each other. He seemed nice enough. Even Jasper had seemed nice enough at least on his own. 

"Too much drama being a MC. I'd rather my life be a lazy side quest." In truth, Scarlett had her fair share of tragedy in her life and if she could live the rest of her years being boring, she would take it hands down. "Sometimes we don't get to pick out our part in the bigger story." For a big guy who liked to joke around a lot, Emmett Cullen was anything but stupid.

"What class do you have next?" Her eyes rolled instantly. "Gym but that's a mistake. I can't take gym so a free period." His grin widened. "Fantastic, let's go." He said, grabbing her elbow and leading her toward the left and down a hall. "This smells an awful lot like main plot Emmett." She grumbled as a double door that led outside came to view.

"Don't be boring. I've got a free period too. Hang out with me." She groaned knowing as they stepped outside that she was too curious not to follow him. It wasn't particularly cold today but the humidity in the air told everyone it was going to rain later. Moving around the side of the building he dropped his bag and jumped up on one of the picnic tables and sat cross legged. Scarlett hesitated for only a moment before sliding onto the bench that was attached to the picnic table. "Let me see your schedule." he demanded, putting his hand out. Rummaging through her bag she pulled it out and handed it to him.

"I didn't see you this morning in history." His brows furrowed. "I overslept." She blanched knowing that it wasn't really the first impression she was going for but as long as she passed all her classes, she didn't think any of the teachers were going to care in the grand scheme of things. Resting her elbows on the table she put her chin in her hands watching her new friend with interest. The whole damn family could just be models, why the heck were they wasting their time here in Forks.

Scarlett had only been here for a bit, and she could already tell it was boring, a typical small town. She had come from a small town herself, so she didn't mind it much but the Cullens? It seemed that they would be much more suited for somewhere like LA or NYC. 

"That look. Careful Hartigan. I'm for sure not the love interest here." A shit eating grin was plastered on his face after his words. Scarlett rolled her eyes hard, "Please Cullen. Your ego alone will probably crush me where I stand." Truth was Emmett and the rest of his family seemed like the main characters in the story and Scarlett was fine where she was. The English partner, the jokester. She didn't mind being the comic relief.

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