Vampires in Forks

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"Vampires." Scarlett snorted a laugh. Her cola almost shot down the wrong pipe and choked her. "Why are you laughing at me?" Bella said putting the book down between them. "It's just, you said it with such conviction."

"I'm serious. The cold ones in the legend I think are the Cullen's. They are Vampires." Scarlett nodded. She wasn't laughing at the word, more the Nancy Drew way Bella had come out and said it. "Okay. Hit me with the facts." She said, putting the can on her night stand and grabbing her journal that she had designated for the mission. "Alright, so they never eat. Their skin is ice cold and they don't come out in the sun."

"Slow down." She was scribbling but if she went any faster they wouldn't even be able to read what she was jotting down. "They are super fast and strong and sometimes they don't even talk like us." Blue eyes glanced up, a questioning look on her face. "Like they are from a different time." Scarlett nodded and wrote the rest of it down. "Also there is something else." Bella was looking down at Scarlett's galaxy sheets. "We just decided the Cullen's are vampires. I think I can take anything else at this point."

"Edward – Well he can read minds." Scarlett sat back, taking in the new development. "No shit." She muttered and suddening her face was bright red. All the times she had been near him he could hear her thoughts. Every single stupid intamite thing. "Everyone but mine." Bella said softly.

Scarlett rubbed her face with her hands. "Okay ..." Suddenly she was trying to remember every time she had been in his presence and tried to remember what she was thinking but it was almost impossible. "Well Shit." She said, finally lifting her head from her face. "If it helps any he said your mind is a pain. Sometimes you broadcast directly into his head and other times you can hide your thoughts. Mask it with music that's in your head and he can't hear the underneath." Her face was heating up more if that was possible. "Good at least I don't make it easy for him."

With that out of the way the girls moved the journal and book to the side and stretched out along the bed. "I'm going to confront him tomorrow." Scarlett figured as much. Bella wasn't going to wait another day for answers. "Need back up?" Though she wasn't sure what she could do for Bella at this point. Moral support? A head start if things went sour? "No, I can handle this." Scarlett was a bit skeptical but if anything had come from the Port Angeles incident, she was sure that Edward cared for Bella and her safety.

The two girls turned to face each other, feet and kneecaps touching as they got comfortable on the pillow. "Thanks for sticking with me through this." Bella said softly. "Ride or die baby." There was complete honesty in her words. "You want to take a nap?" At Bella's question Scarlett yawned. "Does a bear shit in the woods?"


Scarlett could tell that Bella was a ball of nerves the next morning on their way into school. "If I ask him, he has to tell me." She repeated and Scarlett nodded. "I think it's a moot point. We know." Pulling into her spot they stayed in the truck, basking in the last few seconds before they had to brace the cold and Bella the truth. "Okay." She said opening the door and Scarlett got out with her. The two moved to the front of the truck. "It's going to be fine. You'll be okay and then you'll tell me all about it later." She looked down at her phone. "If you don't text me by lunch, I'm going to assume you were lunch."

Bella blanched. "Not helping." She offered a reassuring smile instead and that seemed to help some. "He's here." The Cullen's cars had pulled into their respective spots and when Edward got out of his Volvo Scarlett narrowed her eyes as he moved. When he finally glanced her way she thought, Hurt her and I will find a way to kill you.

She watched Bella walk over to Edward and neither exchanged words as they walked toward the side of the school, disappearing from Scarlett's sight. She was rooted in place, panic setting in at the fact that she just let her friend walk off with a possible vampire and it wasn't a Brad Pitt one. The panic was fleeting, serenity blanketing her. "She'll be safe. He wouldn't let anything happen to her."

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