Eddie boy goes MIA

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It was a shitty day today. Rain, rain and more rain, not enough that it was hazardous but the overnight downpour made it impossible to take her bike. Luckily Scarlett had friends with cars that didn’t mind coming to get her so that she didn’t have to get up with Brian at an ungodly hour just so she could get to school.  

Bella la la:
Be there in 10

Thx Suga momma 😍

Scarlett had just finished her bowl of cereal and had enough time to down her orange juice and wash the bowl. Grabbing a granola bar that she put in her bag she moved toward the mud room to get her boots on and her leather jacket. It would probably be smart to grab a scarf but she didn’t have time because right when she had made the decision there were two steady honks outside. 

Leaving the house she locked the door and with quick steps started toward the truck. A huge puddle between her and the passenger seat. With a shrug of her shoulders she headed for it with a sprint before leaping over the puddle and grabbing the door handle. Swinging it open and jumping inside. “How did you not just fall?” Bella asked with a look of wonderment on her face. “I’m not clumsy.” Bella rolled her eyes before pulling out and heading to school. 

“I think I'm going to talk to Edward today.” A snort came from Scarlett’s mouth. “For what?” If anything the man didn’t need more words. The only way to deal with his type is through violence she was sure. “To ask him what his problem is.” 

Her head nodded with vigor. “Yes I like where this is going. Want me to back you up?” She hoped it would be asked of her but her excitement was killed when Bella shook her head, “I'm not – I just want to have a civil conversation. Ask him what his deal is and move on with my life.” 

“Ugh. That’s boring.” Sternly she crossed her arms over her chest as they pulled into the parking lot. Taking her regular spot amongst the others. “I think you should tell it like it is. He's a turd faced man child. I bet when he likes a girl he still pulls her hair.” Bella blanched as they got out of the car, moving to the front of it. “I don't like confrontation.” In that regard Bella and Scarlett were on opposite ends of the spectrum. 

It was hard to miss the loud Jeep pulling into the lot and it was harder to miss the Cullen’s and Hale’s getting out together. “Looks like you might not have to get confrontational.” Scarlett said when Edward wasn’t with his family and his Volvo was nowhere to be seen. Emmett raised his hand and waved wildly. With a single finger she said hello  to her friend. “Seriously?” Bella said lowly before turning toward Scarlett. 

“I wouldn’t worry too much about it. He’ll come back.” She was reassuring even though Scar was pretty sure that she didn’t care if he came back but she wouldn’t think herself that lucky. “Can you ask? See where he went?” 


“Yea you. You’re the only person who is friends with any of them. Please.” Scarlett sighed but gave in to her request without a fight. “Fine.” Bella bounced on her heels and hugged the smaller brunette, though with her boots they were about the same height. Grabbing her phone she paused when Bella put her hand on the screen. “Not over text.” 

With a groan she pocketed the phone and the duo made their way into the school to head toward their lockers. It seemed Bella always had her investigating things she didn’t care about. All in the name of friendship she supposed. The sound of wet shoes on the floors was squeaky and Bella had almost slipped twice but luckily she had a friend who could walk in a straight line and watch the clumsy woman and they made it to their lockers without an episode. “You need boots with traction. Your sneakers are useless.” She said, popping open the glorified school issued cabinet. 

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