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Yall bout to meet my oc Manny his quirk is explained in the story but HUGE TWS!!!


Bye yall


A man walked into the room standing next to aizawa. The man had long eyelashes and peachy pink hair that wasn't harsh on the eyes, he had two sets of eyes one of which glistened green the other two closed for izuku to wonder more about. His hero suit seemed to represent that of a director of a movie and wasn't good for fighting, or at least that's what izuku analyzed, as he went to introduce himself. "Hello! I am Manny, I use he/they pronouns. You may be wondering 'why are you here' well basialy you all have trauma and as a 'bonding' exercise I get to exploit it," he puts finger quotes up on "bonding" and says it in a condescending tone, izuku just seems more interested in the quirk he had as he started theorizing out loud to himself. "Ahhh seems like green bean wants to know my secret quirk?" He says jokingly as izuku just seems embarassed, "its called 'Projector' and it sees into all the memories in someones brain, and projects out the most important ones through my fingers, which have little cameras in them," he holds up a gloved hand, taking the fabric off and showing his hands. "I don't get to choose the memories though and can't control it well.... in this class we will be playing a game, If you're believed to be lying then you will be called put and sat with Me, where I'll activate my quirk and it'll choose the memory based on the question, its a little unstabel though and once we start even i may nkt be able to stop it for a bit. It usually lasts around in 10 minute incriments if i loose control though..." he looked around the room, "any questions? No? Lets get started," the class just seemed bewildered as they moved the desks into a circle, izuku opting for the floor and pulling put a small pulling fidget he kept on him.

The room change was freaking him out but he could handle it for now.

Soon the class was seated in order as they started the game, they each were asked one question about their lives the other classmates really wanted to know.

The quirk was then put on the class as a while by having them connect hands and having Manny at the very front.

Uraraka was asked if she was really that broke and tried to lie but got caught and the quirk worked just like Manny said! She was worse off then thought so the class decided she wasn't allowed to pay for groceries for the dorms. Tsu had to admit how she feels about having fun in the class. Bakugou had to talk about his ptsd, he tried to lie he didn't have trauma but couldn't get it through as the quirk started up, showing multiple traumas of his. He wasn't depressed or anything but was loosing his hearing, which izuku already thought of, and has trauma from the villains, like most of the class. Soon it was izukus turn and the one to ask the question? M*nieta, who admitted was going to be expelled or turned to grape juice as soon as the words formed from his mouth.

"Midoriya what was so bad in your life? You have such a good quirk."

Midoriyas breath hitched, His hands were being held by kaminari and Koda, who both didn't know the full extent of his trauma, they tried to get him to breath but soon the quirk started and many students seemed shocked, Manny opened all four of his eyes, the green glistening next to the black, he seemed shocked and tried to do the motions to stop it, "it won't stop.. just what had he been through????" The class seems shocked, "it only acts like this to severe trauma and emotions, it's technically an Emmitt type quirk, like dark shadow, and has a mind and being of its own!!" He panicked out as aizawa realized he couldn't stop this one... it was its own being..

The playing started, not out of his fingers though, instead outbof izuku midorias eyes, they glowed as his breathing was no longer ragged and heavy and he rested, almost in a protective way. And soon the class saw why..

The Truama You Gave [Agere Deku Story]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя