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Tw: mentions of finding blades

Hehe thanks for 2k reads >:]

//3rd per. Pov//

While the group got izuku into the dorm common room they layed him down on the couch, the rest of the class had been waiting -besides kirishima and Bakugou- and momo made him a soft blanket, covering him as they hear his soft snores still comming as he stirs a little turning to get comfortable.

"I'm going to go get his binder," uraraka says as she stands up and makes her way past iida who follows closely to help her look and grab anything they believe he'd want.

As they leave the class kinda seems shocked as the boy stirs more and Todoroki goes up to him and pulls him to his lap, slightly running his fingers in his hair. "Shh izuku it's still nap time, can someone text iida to grab his stuffies also? He always naps better with them," Aoyoma nods and switches the hand the sippy cup is in and texts the class rep, afterwords putting the sparkly phone back in his pocket.

Sato is in the kitchen trying to figure out what will be for dinner once the little wakes up from his nap, trying to figure out his safe food, and failing.

"We got it," uraraka announces as she pushes into the kitchen area, " try looking in here," she places down a dark green binder with torn stickers on it and half filled with papers. They open it and right on the top page it says,

if found return to Izuku Midoriya

they turned to the next page

hero analysis

they went on until they saw the name on a page,

safe foods and regression

"Here it is!" Uraraka said excitedly as they turn the page,

Ages regressed too: 1-4

Supplies used:
-sippy cup

[When very regressed may need bottles/diapers and help eating]

They seemed a little shocked when reading about the very young parts but kept going as they understood more about it.

Finding his safe foods page:

Safe foods:

Sandwiches [penutbutter]

The list went on as Sato decided that night he would make udon noodles for everyone.

As he made that Iida came down holding a box in his hand looking very disheveled.

"He had written a note before putting the box under the clothes in his room

It was really bad, all of it being a reminder not to regress..." His voice trailed off as he took the box towards Aizawas room in the dorms. Once infront he knocks.... the raven haired man opened the door only to see iida on the verge of tears.

"Whats wrong...?"

"Its..It's... izuku. He."

Aizawa pulled him into the room and sat the kid down on the chair, "let me see," he said gesturing towards the box. On the box there were obviously opened notes and as he moved them out of the way he saw it... there was multiple blades on the lid of the box the note behind them saying, "it is better," he gasps as iida seems to break down more, "I found this on his bed... while looking for the box... i think," he stopped himself as he hands over a bloodied box cutter, "I think izuku may have hurt himself somewhere, I know he has a past of it. If you read the notes they are all convincing him not to go into the box... some say he should die..." aizawa nods and puts his hands on iidas shoulders, "iida thank you for bringing this to me. Can you grab the box over there," he gestures over to a box, and iida nods handing the box over. Aizawa dumps the contents of one box to another, "the original will be sent up to nezu, but for now go be with your friend, it's almost dinner time, I'd yell him you know when he's not regressed so he feels comfortable comming to you...

I'm proud of you for telling me this Iida,"

Iida nods and wipes his face leaving the room as aizawa puts his head down and makes his way up to nezus room, carrying a seemingly normal box that hides something dark inside.

As iida got back to the common rooms he saw izuku awake and sipping his green sippy, spilling every once in a while. He sighs softly and walks up to him and puts him on his hip, "hey buddy, how small you feeling?" He asks but the green boy just looks around fiddling with his pointer finger.

'So really young.... should I change out the sippy for a bottle?" 

Iida asks himself as izuku drops the sippy and cuddles into his chest playing with the buttons on the blue boys shirt.

'How could anyone hurt you? Look at how sweet you are being....'

He sighs as he sits izuku down in a chair at the table and izu groans, as he still wants to be held, "hungry?" The kid nods as Sato sets down some upon and he grabs the noodles with his hands. Uraraka walks over, talking his hands out of the bowl, and twisting the noodles up on a fork, "say ahhhhhh zuku" she says as he opens his mouth and takes the bite. This goes on as the class eats around them before izuku started to refuse the food reaching for the box iida has, "box p'es" he says reaching more, iida walks over and says, "what is it," "toy!!" Iida opens the box and grabs the Spiderman that aizawa put on top, "this guy?" He asks as izuku nods, "spi'wr" he says taking it and holding it close. Tsu reaches around and hands him baby as she picks him up and puts him onfront of the TV playing old Disney movies as she cuddles him close, looking slightly uncomfortable as she feels the bandages under his clothes, giving a worried look to the class.

They return it once he starts to cry.

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