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Just an authors note:

the deku squad will sometimes help with izukus outfits if he's to small to do it himself. He gave them permission about a week after they found out about his regression, when he put them on backwards and inside out one day when he was getting ready to play with tsu.

Also major tw ⚠️ for sh and sh tendencies in this chapter

Angst with some fluff tho.


The class decided today would be a good day to go to the park with izuku as his movie ended and he was very obviously bored of playing.

In the common rooms there were only a few people left as they went to get dressed; ochaco, Iida, izuku, asui, and jiro who was ready to go already. Iida decided to go first and walk over to the regressed boy and spoke softly, "hey izuku, do you wanna go get changed out of your uniform and go to the park?" The boys face lit up at the mention of the park and hopped out of ochacos lap and started to wobble and toddle down the halls only to forget the way to his dorm a few steps in and look at iida, "I don kno wher to go..." he looked down as iida just grabbed his hand and pulled him to the elevator.

As they got to the dorm Iida sent izuku in, "do you need help with choosing, " izuku made a mhmm noise and iida followed him into the disheveled room, he hadn't looked at it properly before but this room was covered in old clothes and trash, all of the allmight posters taken down and torn up, all his figures of allmight broken and defaced, he grimaced at the sight.

He sighed and looked at the boy who was trying to find clothes, "i'a pes helps" he asked and iida walked over, he grabbed some overalls and a cute blue shirt that would definitely get dirty in play but it didn't matter that much. Izuku looked at the outfit and smiled taking out his pastel blue shoes and some blue socks with clouds on them, "perfec',"he smiled. Iida looked at him and sighed, "you need help getting ready?"  He asked softly the boy just looked around before nodding a very tiny "yes pes," coming out as he looked away. Iida nodded had him stand up tall as he helped him wiggle out of the shirt, he gasped very audibly when he saw the Boys body.

He was bruised on the stomach and chest, all in various forms of healing, his ribs were partially showing, but what concerned him the most was the bandages on his Arms but lack there of on the injuries on his shoulders and upper chest, "izuku... did you do these markings buddy," the kiddo started crying and shaking as he shook his head, "big zukuz dids it! I no wan hurt like dis, it itchies," he cries more as iida goes to the bathroom, finding a shattered mirror and more razors with blood on the counter, and grabs a first aid kit from the counter that was open to the bandage section. When he walking in izuku was bawling, with no shirt on, curled in a ball on the edge of the bed, "hey buddy let's get cleaned up, raka and the others are waiting," the boy nods crying as iida unwraps the current bandages and replaces them addressing all the wounds and putting creams on the bruises, he puts the shirt on the boy and turns around as the green boy puts his pants on.

"Oki helps wit buttons pes," iida nods and turns around helping with the buttons on the overalls and ties the boys laces and puts the velcro strap down on them, "you ready to go bud?" The kiddo grabs baby from the bed and nods, "ya iida! Le's go to de park," and they walk back down to the common room.

Izukus shirt was short sleeved so the bandages were showing but the kid didn't care he just wanted to be able to play. Iida was nervous, he was taking the boy to let the teacher know where they were all going but also to confirm the suspicions about his self harm. He decided to put those nerves away as he walked with izuku going up to aizawas room, knocking first and the raven haired man answered with his usual bored face, "hello?" "Hello sir, me and the class are going to the park with midorya and due to bakugou being sick we wanted to make sure you knew over him were Midoriya was..." he looked over at Midoriya who was distracted by a cat and sighed and in a hushed tone whispered, "I also... confirmed the suspicions we had when helping him get ready. I don't know if he has anymore but here," he hands over the razors and aizawa sighs and goes up to the kid, who is still in awe of the cat, "hey kiddo do you like the kitty?" The green boy nods, "ki'yyy" aizawa nods and looks over the fresh bandages that hold his arms and the obvious bandaging under the shirt and stands up looking to iida who starts again, "he's covered in bruises I'm assuming are from 'training' with allmight.... he's also really skinny. We realized he hadn't been eating meals with us but .. right now, sir, I'm seriously worried about him. You need to look at the mess he calls his room... just... make sure you are prepared when you do.. we will be leaving now, come on zuku," he holds his hand out and izuku takes it waving bye bye to the kitty and aizawa. Aizawa sighs and just looks at the extra keys before grabbing midoryas room key...

In the living room izuku and iida are seen walking in while the class was waiting, uraraka was holding izukus go bag and everyone else stood up as they walked in, "Let's go," some people looked in shock about the bandages but most looked like they were about to cry and uraraka ran to izuku and threw him into the air catching him and pulling him into a big hug that others soon joined at izukus dismay who wiggled about, "pa'k?" He asked and everyone looked at him before uraraka laughed a little, "sure bud park," and off the went uraraka still not putting him down.

As they entered the park they saw no one else was there. They all just kinda sighed knowing how shy izuku is when regressed around strangers, uraraka put him down and he rushed for the swings, "s'ing" he said as the class separated around the park, surprisingly it was tokoyami and dark shadow that stayed with izuku which he was fine with because the shadow bird talked funny and it made him laugh.

"Izuku you wanna swing high?" He asked and izuku nodded as he continued going higher and higher, tokoyami seemed to smile? As dark shadow started mothering izuku about going too high and reminding him to be safe. The class seemed amused by this as most had seemed to stop and watch as tokoyami blushed in embarrassment of what a scene dark shadow was causing. "No no!! Be safe little one," dark shadow pleaded as izuku continues to slow down and almost get off before jumping off and landing on his bare knees almost crying but 'dark mother,' as denki called put went over and cooed at him telling him it was just a 'boo boo' and he continued onto the slide that denki insisted on going down with him, as they slid he showed the boy he could work static electricity also putting it from his finger to the boys finger shocking Jim slightly. He jumped but got excited as he grabbed his finger, "wow Das so coo' so you do go's electrici.. electr .. word!!!" He never finished it seeming a little frustrated but kami just nodded as izuku took to bakugous nickname of calling him Pikachu.

We was soon scooped up by Sato who asked him if he wanted any snacks, koda following soon behind them, and the boy obviously said yes taking the Cucumber slices that were handed to him. As he was nothing he saw a beutiful butterfly it was white and blue and landed on a peice of Cucumber and he started looking at it closely as Koda looked terrified. Koda looked one more sime before asking over and whispering, "he says thank you for sharing with him..," he says meekly as the bug still scared him and he refused to look at it, "you welcoms Mr bugyfy!" He slurred as he walked away from the snack andbtelling Sato he was done and wanted to go on the seesaw. Sato nodded seeing sero come over and take the kid saying, "SEESAWWWW" at the top of his lungs and chucks the kid over his shoulders, much to dark shadows dismay as she immediately says to be careful and starts talking to momo who had been keeping the cussing to a minimum and had a "curse bottle," which was a spray bottle for if you cursed around the baby.

//Time skip//

As the day came too an end the entire class decided it was dinner time and they needed to go home but before they could hagakure mentions, "does anyone know where izuku snuck off too? He seems a little scared of me and ran off..." They all just start looking and calling his name until shoji found him, curled up sleeping in the tubes that led to the slides, he slightly sighed grabbing him and covering him in his extra arms, "got him," he said and iida announced it. "He was napping in the tubes... let's get him home he feels... light," the class nodded. Most of them had felt the boys body weight while they played with him. He was skinny but the bandages made so many people want to cry, Mina and ojyro had to stay home cause they didn't think they could hold their emotions about it back the rest of the day. The class started the way to the dorms and when they went in aizawa stepped out and looked very serious.

"Iida... we need to call nezu."

The Truama You Gave [Agere Deku Story]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora