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An// this one is pretty sad lmaoo I'm feeling extra depressed today.

////////[3rd pov]///////////

As Aizawa and Iida took the sleeping boy towards where the chimera stayed day in and out, they sighed, "Iida... izuku isn't mentally well you understand this.. right?" The blue haired boy just nods. He's known, they all have, they couldn't bring themselves to see it until now, it makes so much sense in how the boy acts. "Sensie.... I... I believe Midoriya's neglect towards himself must stim from someplace, he holds no regard for himself and believes everyone is above him... I've seen the way he reacts to everyone, and although he's older than most of us he still uses '-san' prefixes on almost all of us...." Aizawa slowly nods as they reach Nezus room knocking before a light, "come in" is heard.

They walked in, Iida still holding a softly sleeping boy, and aizawa was the first to speak, "Nezu... we believe... Izuku Midoriyas mental health is deteriorating... his room is horrible and... I found this," he hold up the number 17 notebook, it's stained pages catching nezus attention as it's placed on his desk. "Its..It's... a suicide notebook," Iida gasps audibly pulling the sleeping person closer in his arms.

"I know."


"How did y-..." Aizawa started only to be stopped, "Detective tsukauchi has a quirk that allows him to see the truth.. I know what that book is. I've seen its pages... but I think you and I both know there's a new entry," the hitching of a breath is heard as izuku shot up, "where an I?" He asks, obviously not regressed anymore.

"Izuku... we are putting you on full suicide watch." Nezu states,"don't try and get out of it. I know what happened last night..," he finishes as izuku almost had gone to protest.

He climbs out of Iidas arms and takes a breath before pinching his temples, "Nezu... I was born to kill myself in the end, we already have had this conversation," he sighs looking nezu in the eyes, "I'm going to end up dead one way or another. You have no say in that. Keeping me alive is your way of caring about me and I get it but... we both know this won't last much longer. With my recent attempt, and having been dropped by the hospitals, there is no reason for me to get better.

Nezu. Do you understand I am an orphan with no family? I am a person who's tried to kill themselves so many times that the hospitals have given up on me? The other day I decided and put it together. I am under a DNR at all hospitals," he pulls his pants up at the ankle showing off his bracelet, "I didn't need a guardian and after I told them about the quirklessness they didn't care." The whole room stood mouths agape. Then nezu pushed his chair out from under him standing up and making a hasty way over to izuku. "Izuku Midorya if you kill yourself I will get someone to revive you with a quirk everytime. Do you Understand? You are a good kid. And have had a shit life. Your dnr is invalid," he says as he cuts the bracelet off the freckled ankle, "and I will not abide by it on this campus." Izuku seems angry as he goes to walk put the door being blocked by a crying Iida and a surprisingly pensive, Aizawa who seemed he could spill at any moment. "I'm assigning class 1a to go with you everywhere. 24/7 suicide watch. And hound dog will be doing therapy with you 2 times during the week and on weekends. His partner will be in your class within the mext few days. Don't lie to them. Let us help you. Tonight you will be with me. Your class will decide after that. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?"

Izuku looked away teary eyed and whimpers, "crystal," as iida and aizawa go to leave the room, being dismissed by nezu.

Nezu Goes up to Midoriya and gives his pegs a hug. "Child you are my ward, I don't think anyone at this school wants you to kill yourself... we all care so deeply yet you can't see it..."

Izuku heard the words well up inside

Stop it with your pity you damn rat

His brain thoughts, it wasn't him though it was like he was having.a conversation with someone else.

You don't need pity

You got your mother killed

Your mentor fired

You ruined so much

Even your own father hates you

Who could ever love poor "useless," deku?

No One.

Midoriya sighed. He knew it was correct. He ruined everything for everyone and

He deserved punishment for it.


As the days past so did the people. No longer allowed in his own room, he was hoping from room to room as people took care of him little or not. It felt weird to be cared about

He felt like such a burden

But as Class started on his 4th day of suicide watch they were introduced to someone new..


To be continued 😗😈😈

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