Cleaning up with Friends

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Hivemind's POV

Ugh this is un-orderly..., I sigh and continue to pick up the garbage. Today there was a sale at Crusty Sean's and now there is a huge mess on the hard cement floor. 

" Oh, Hi Hivemind." 

I hears a cheery voice coming from behind me and I turn to see Team Blue and Rider walking towards me. I've battled both teams a couple of times and I must say, that they improved a lot since the Splatfest. I wave at them faintly before going back to cleaning. 

" Do you want help with that?"  Rider asks while pointing at me. I'm hesitant at first but quietly nod as they all come and help.  Soon, we clean up all the garbage left after today and Crusty Sean  gives us some leftovers from today and a free drink. 

" So kind!"  Specs says while digging into his food.

 I do the same but stay quiet for the entire time. I'd be more talkative if I were with the other guardians and its not like I haven't hung out with these guys before but... I don't know, I just feel off for some reason. I grip my drink and take a couple gulps ( which is something I don't usually do) and don't even realize I've drunken it all. 

"Wow Hivemind, usually take sips of your drink not gulps, are you okay?" Headphones asks. She places down her soda and gives me a concerned look. I've always admired how considerate she is even when it comes to people she hardly knows. 

" Yeah, I'm fine just... Something on my mind that all." I say if I know what that something is. Headphones shrugs slightly before looking back to her food. I do the same but don't bother to eat. Suddenly I feel a  small poke on my shoulder and turn to my other side to see Goggles. 

" Hey Hivemind, how are you and the other guardians?" His voice is so cheery that I can't help but smile.  

" They are doing fine. We have been practicing to be a better team and I think we really have improved over the past months." I answer while munching down on fried food. 

" Nice!" He cheers and I realize he has a mouth full of food. So un-orderly!

" Chew with your mouth closed!!!" I bark at him and he quickly does so. 

" Hey, save some Crusty Sean's for us!." Calls a familiar voice. I tilt my head to see the other guardians. 

" Hello!" Headphones waves happily at them. 

" Hey, mind if we hang with you guys?" Fierce asks me. I slowly nod but don't make eye contact. I don't know why but ever since the Final Splatfest, things between me and Fierce have gotten, strange. We've been hanging out a lot lately and even though I'm good at hiding my feelings... He just makes it soo hard. His sharp teeth, his complex yet interesting personality, his neat fishskull, his great fighting skills.... His everything.  Though there are times when I do feel the need to crush him into a inkdrop. Like two weeks ago when he pranked me by filling my weapon with confetti.

" Umm Hive you okay? You've been off lately?" Jet asks while poking him with her straw. 

" Yeah I'm fine." I respond calmly then Fierce puts an arm around my shoulder. 

" Probably still annoyed about my prank two weeks ago," he smirks at me and I blush slightly. 

" Not funny." I mumble softly. He chuckles before removing his arm and talking with everyone else. 

And on the inside I am screaming.

608 Word Count

Coroika: Hivemind x FierceWhere stories live. Discover now