Chapter 64 - Surprise Visits

Comenzar desde el principio

I rise from my seat and cross to the table where a box of electronic components was delivered earlier. I need to make sure that all the components I ordered are in there and then capture them on the system.

My thoughts drift to Willow while I sort through the items in the box, ticking them off against the invoice. She has changed in the couple of days I've been gone. The change is good, but it's also a little disconcerting. She seems stronger, somehow, and I don't know if it's just my imagination, but she is looking at Hunter in a very different way too.

Last week, I saw the way she looked at him change from fear to curiosity to interest to amusement to fondness, but now it has grown in depth. I think Willow might really be in love with the boy. I'm not sure if that is something to be worried about or not. I do believe that he is worthy to be her first love, and I do want her to experience that without any interference from me.

He is a lovely young man, but they're so young, and she is rather innocent. I cannot help but wonder if something happened between them while they were at home alone. Perhaps leaving them alone together is not a wise decision at all. Then again, it's impossible to keep watch over them 24/7. We will just have to trust them, I know that.

Willow has always been very sober in her decision-making. Charlotte didn't tolerate emotional teenage drama or spur-of-the-moment decisions based on feelings. Perhaps that was a good thing. My daughter has a much more level head on her shoulders than I do.

Ryan once told me that children and young adults should be allowed to make mistakes. If they never made mistakes, they wouldn't grow, they wouldn't learn which risks are worth taking and which aren't. Hunter is a very well-grounded young man, and I know that both his parents place a lot of trust in him. I just hope that the kids don't make any mistakes they cannot undo.

Satisfied that all the components are present, I let my eyes wander to the beautiful park outside. Perhaps I should take a break, sit on one of the benches down there and just enjoy the short reprieve from the rain. 

I drop the invoice on my desk and step closer to the windows, enjoying the view.

I really need to speak to Ryan. He has a way of clarifying my thoughts and fears, helping me see things in a more positive, balanced light. Beth is a lunatic who would love nothing more than to marry my daughter off to her son and have a hundred beautiful grandchildren. 

Speaking to Beth is anxiety-inducing when it comes to this specific topic; Ryan is much more sober about the subject. I am so completely lost in thoughts about the possible implications of young love that I only vaguely register the rap on my door.

"Did you forget something?" I ask, turning away from the window to look at the door.

"You could say that."

It is not Ryan!

It is not one of the students either. My heart stops for two full beats before it starts to gallop wildly. Devan Taylor is leaning against the door jamb as if he owns it. He is grinning at me, but there is none of his arrogance detectable right now. He is looking simply male and virile and rather beautiful. 

Talk about making mistakes and being un-trustworthy... I am such a hypocrite!

"Oh! Hello."

"Wow, you're actually greeting me today," he smiles, entering the office and placing himself on the corner of the desk Ryan recently vacated. His presence on my desk does not have the same amicably companionable effect on me as having Ryan there had.

"Well, I'm at the office; I should try to be at least a little professional," I try to smile, but my lips aren't working right, and I've also forgotten how to breathe. "How is your mother doing?"

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